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Yoongi's P.O.V

After leaving Y/N's room, I went straight to my room. I still haven't forgotten what I'm here for. Y/N is really nice and all but why did dad even ask me to do that job? I sigh as I open my bag. I took out a bag of blood. I only have one more left.... I drank the second last blood pack. I guess I'll have to go out at nights and hunt people. I should've kept more packs. I lied down on my bed and took out my phone. I went through instagram and twitter, the same old stuff, nothing new. I decided to text Jin hyung. Jin hyung used to be in school with me. He was my senior, we are really close. He's also a vampire like me.

To Jin hyung:
Hi hyung~

He didn't reply. I guess he must be busy... I turned off my phone and went out of my room. I'm so bored.... I went to the lounge to watch t.v. I went through channels but I couldn't find anything interesting to watch. Suddenly I heard a loud 'THUMP'. I rushed to see what it was. I saw Y/N on the floor, she fell off the stairs. She just lay there, she didn't move. I ran to her," Y/N! Are you alright!?!". She slowly looked up. She whimpered,"owww...". She only has some bruises on her arms and legs. I sigh in relief. She sat up and I asked,"how did you fall?".

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night, I heard some people spaeaking. I couldn't understand properly because they were muffled. I got up and went outside my room. I checked on Yoongi first but He wasn't in his room. I could still hear someone talking, they were coming from downstairs. I moved towards the stairs but then I slipped on God knows what. I fell down the stairs. My body hurt so much, well duh Y/N! You just fell down some fucking stairs. I heard someone running towards me. "Y/N! Are you alright!?!", it was Yoongi. I slowly looked up. I sat up and Yoongi asked," how did you fall?". I ruffled my hair, smiled weakly and answered,"i slipped...". Yoongi asked," what are you doing up so late? We even have school tomorrow". I answered," I heard someone talking.....". Yoongi chuckled," that was the t.v dumbo~". I made an 'O' face. "I thought there was someone with you", I said. Yoongi sighed," you should go sleep". "What about you? You also have to sleep", I said. "I will, I'm not sleepy right now", he said. I smiled a bit and said,"  ok well, Goodnight Yoongi~". Yoongi smiled,"Goodnight Y\N~".

I hope y'all liked this chapter 😄. I'm gonna publish the next chapter in a while.

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