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Thank you guys for reading my fanfic~ enjoy this chapter. I'm already cringing on it 0_0

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up and found a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. YOONGI WAS BACK HUGGING ME WHILE SLEEPING 0_0. Oh my god!!! I could feel my face getting hotter. I should wake him up....should i? Ahhh, I should. I tried waking Yoongi up by poking on his face, but it didnt work. Then I shook him a bit. He still wouldn't wake up. "M-Min Yoongi, wake u-up", I said. Ahhhh im stuttering again. He still wouldn't wake up. Wait, I got an idea. I pulled his hair hardly. He quickly sat up," owwwww, what the f-", he stopped his sentence when he looked at me. "Oh Y-Y/N-ah, Your awake", he said. I just nodded. My face was still red. I could see his face getting a bit red too. I seriously can't believe I slept with him last night.

I looked at the time. Omg, Yoongi was late for school. I still can't go but he has to. "Omg, Yoongi, your late for school", I said. Yoongi sighed and lay back on the bed," I'm not gonna go then~". "Whyyyyy?", I asked. "What's the point in going? I'm late anyways plus I might get detention", he said. I made an 'ohhhh yeahhh' face.

I decided to go take a bath. I sang my favorite songs while showering. I also sang, 'Even If I Die' by Seokjin and Kim Taehyung. ( 😏😏 )

I finished taking a shower and wrapped myself in my towel. I walked out of the bathroom and found Yoongi still on my bed. Omg, I should go back in. Before I could Yoongi saw me. "Oh Y/N you're do- I should go outside", he quickly got up and made his way out of my room. We both were as red as a tomato. I quickly wore my clothes and went downstairs to eat.

Yoongi's P.O.V

Y/N finally came out of the bathroom. "oh Y/N you're do- I should go outside", u said and quickly went out of her room without looking back. My heart beat was really fast. I went to my room but Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Jungkook. "Hyung..... Why is your face so red?", he asked me with a confused look. "o-oh, i-uh- it's N-nothing", I said. Shit he saw me blushing. "Hyung, why are you blushing? Tell me, it's about Y/N, isn't it?", he said while raising an eyebrow. I nodded," well you see-uh, I was waiting for Y/N to come out of the bathroom so I could treat her lunch, but-uh when she did come out, she was wrapped in a towel only..... And uh I quickly left her room", I said. "Ohhhhh, by the way hyung, where did you sleep last night?", he asked. "I slept with Y/N", I answered. He smirked. "We didn't do anythin- wait this reminds me, why did you bite Y/N?", I asked. He gulped," uhhhh, w-who told you that hyung, I didn't". I raised an eywbrow," don't lie to me Jeon Jungkook", I said. "Ok ok, I couldnt resist myself....", he said looking down. "Be more careful Jungkook, don't bite her again", I said. "Yes hyung, I'll try", he replied.

How am I going to face Y/N?

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