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Yoongi's P.O.V

The girl suddenly spoke, "do you like it?". "yeah, it's nice", I replied back. Y/N, that's here name I guess, she went to her room. I sigh and think about when will my sister come back. It's not like I hate it here but I am more comfortable with her. I sighed and closed the door. I took my phone out and sat on the bed. I decided to text my friend Hoseok.

To Hoseok:

From Hoseok:
Heeeeey, did you move to Korea safely????

To Hoseok:
Yeah, I did.

From Hoseok:
Oki ^^, so where are you staying?

To Hoseok:
At Y/N's house, I don't know when my sister will come.

From Hoseok:
Isn't that great!!?!? You're at Y/N's house!! You're job just got easier!!!

To Hoseok:
I know but this isn't the right time.

From Hoseok:
Ok, anyways I have to go now.

To Hoseok:

From Hoseok:
Bye bye~~~ ^^

I turned my phone off and lay down. I feel hungry, I stood up and moved towards my bag. I opened it and took out a blood pack. I drank it in one breath, yes I'm a vampire. I just hope I have enough to drink till my sister comes or I might have to drink Y/N's blood or some other random persons blood. I went out of my room since I was really bored. I found Y/N sitting on the couch watching t.v. I heard her shouting,"Omg, Minhoooooooo!!!!!". I lightly chuckled. I went and stood behinde her. She didn't notice I was here. I sat beside her on the couch. As soon as she looked at me she screamed and fell off the couch. I laughed at her and she stood up pouting. She's so cute when she's angry. Wait wait wait Yoongi what are you thinking!?!?
She spoke," WHAT THE FUCK! Min Yoongi! Don't laugh at me.... You shithead scared me.....". I stopped laughing and apologized to her," I'm sorry Y/N, it was just too funny, especially your expression when you looked at me". She looks pissed off now. So I just change the topic," so which show is next?". "The legend of the blue sea...", she said. "ok", I just said. After a while I dont know why but I said," hey Y/N, sorry for yelling at you at the airport...". She looked at me and smiled,"its ok~~~". She turned her gaze back to the t.v screen. The show was getting boring so I took out my phone. I tried connecting to the WiFi but it had a password on it ;-;. I looked at Y/N and asked the password. She answered," ResyduldamageXOX". That's one weird password. After connecting to the WiFi I went through my instagram account. Like always, Hoseok has posted so many selfies of himself. Seriously this guy....

Y/N's P.O.V

I don't feel like watching t.v anymore. I turned off the t.v and turned my gaze to Yoongi. He's using his phone. God, I'm bored. I looked at the clock, it was 9 p.m. Wait whaaaat. It got so late!?!? Omg, I have to make food too!!!! I stood up and rushed to the kitchen. I'll just make ramen~. Yoongi who saw me leaving quickly, followed me and asked me," what happened?". I started cooking and answered," I didn't make food and we even have school tomorrow, plus it's 9 p.m!!!". I heard Yoongi chuckling. I ignored it and focused on the food. After a while they were done. I smile to myself. I call Yoongi, he took a while but he came. I gave him a bowl of ramen and I took mine and started eating. During the meal Yoongi said," They're nice ^^". I blush a little and say,"Thank you~^^". After we were done I washed the dishes and told Yoongi that I was going to sleep. I went towards my room, changed my clothes, turned off the light and went to sleep.

Yoongi's P.O.V

Y/N gave me a bowl of ramen. I really hate human food but I still ate it without complaining. I don't know why but I complimented her food. Yoongi what is happening to you? After she finished, she washed the dishes and told me that she's going to sleep. I headed to my room too. I saw that Y/N's door wasn't closed properly. I seriously don't know why again, I went into her room. I saw her sleeping comfortably sleeping in her bed and so I went closer. I sat on the bed beside her and looked at her. I felt butterflies in my stomache. What is happening to me? I caressed her cheek and she suddenly opened her eyes. I froze at my place and she stared at me wide eyed.

Y/N's P.O.V

I felt someone caressing my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi. I stared at him wide eyed. I was blushing but I'm so happy it's dark, he couldn't see me blushing. I couldn't find my voice. We just stared at each other. I finally found my voice,"Y-yoongi?". He suddenly spoke," u-uh Y/N, I'm s-sorry to w-wake you up, I t-th-thought there was something i-in here so I c-came to check. Hehehe, I'll j-just g-go now. Good-goodnight". After he said that he left the room.

I hope you like it cuz my brain wasn't working at all....hehehe.

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