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Y/N's P.O.V

I felt that I'm lying on something soft and also someone's arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and found myself back in my room... Who brought me back? I looked at the arms which were wrapped around my waist. They were pale white..... Yoongi... I was blushing really hard again. I tried moving out of his arms but he pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear," Y/N, you know that vampires don't sleep right? Which means that I knew you were about to leave and also that I was up all night watching you". Why do I always forget he's a vampire?!?! And dude...... I was reallyyyyyyyy blushing hard now. "Y-yoongi, can y-you uh let go o-of me?", shit I stuttered again. " yeah sure...", he said. He let go of me and stood up. He ruffled his hair while going out my room. The rooms door opened again and Yoongi's head popped in,"Oh, and by the way, you're a tomato again ",he chuckled and left. Aishhhh this guy is messing with my feelings!!!!

Yoongi's P.O.V

I left Y/N's room and smiled to myself. She looks so cute while blushing. I heard my phone ringing. I took it out, my dad was calling again.... What does he want now?

" Hey dad"

"Yoongi, why aren't you doing your job?"

"I'll do it, just give me some time"

" Yoongi-ah you're just like your sister, she couldn't do it. I shouldn't have trusted her at all. I know you do it better than her."

"Dad! Stop talking about her like that!"

"Young man don't you raise your voice with me! And I can say whatever I want to say about her!"

"She couldn't do it because she was Y/N's best friend! Ella couldn't just kill Y/N!!"


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