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*The next Day*

Y\N's P.O.V

Yoongi suggested me to stay at home since I need lots of rest. I got discharged from the hospital yesterday at night. I really want to go to school since I would get bored at home. I sigh as I leave my bedroom. I hear someone snoring from Yoongi's room. Wait, Yoongi went to school today........ Did Yoongi come back early? I slowly opened a door. There was someone wrapped up in Yoongi's quilt and was snoring. I went near him to check. I removed the quilt slowly. I saw his face, he was really cute and he looked younger than Yoongi. I could also describe him as a coconut head. Suddenly I was pinned down on the bed. He asked in a cold voice," Who are you?". I gulped as I answered," I'm Y-Y/N." He didn't reply. He moved a bit closer to my face. Our faces were a few inches away. His face started moving towards my neck. He hummed as he said," You smell sweet, I wonder how you taste". He looked at me and his fangs came out. I gasped, he's a vampire!?!? I tried escaping from his grip but it was no use....he was too strong. He moved back to my neck. He was about to bite me when I heard someone yell," JUNGKOOK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?". It was Yoongi. (Lol, Yoongi always comes to save her.) Jungkook quickly got off of me. Yoongi asked me if I was ok, I just nodded still surprised that a vampire, a REAL vampire was about to bite me. I thought they didn't exist. ;-;. Jungkook frowned and said," hyungggg, I was hungryyyy. Why didn't you let me drink her bloood???". Yoongi didn't answer he just said,"Y/N can you go to your room, please, I need to talk to Jungkook". I nodded and quickly ran to my room. Why does Yoongi know him? What was he doing in my house? Is Yoongi a vampire too? God, there are so many questions in my head.

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