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Yoongi's P.O.V 

I broke into tears as she fell to the ground. I killed her........... I hate this life, I can't Live like this anymore.

I called Ella and told her everything crying, she told me to take Y/N to the hospital. I picked Y/N up and headed to the hospital.

Ella was sitting with me while i kept crying. She kept comforting me. The doctor called my name and i looked up, he was smiling," She's just unconscious. She'll wake up tomorrow. Don't worry".  My eyes widened. I didn't kill her! She's alive! Ella looked at me and smiled widely. I'm so happy. 

I went into her room. I saw her lying on the bed. I sat on the bed and took her hand,"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm sorry that i hurt you. I know you can't hear me but still. I'm happy that i met such an amazing girl like you, what did i ever do to deserve such an amazing person? Y/N i really really love you, i'll always remember you..... You are my first and last love. You'll always have a special place in my heart", i pecked her forehead and left the room.

I hugged Ella," Please take care of her and PLEASE don't tell her where i went, I'm going back". I took out a letter from my pocket,"Also, give her this when she wakes up". Ella nodded and i said goodbye to Jin and Ella for the last time. 

I went to the airport and took the plane back home. I reached there in a few hours. I was waiting for my Dad's car to show up. I waited for 10 more minutes and finally the car decided to show up. I kept my luggage in the trunk and sat in the front seat. I was surprised to see that dad came to pick me up. He's always been so busy......

I didn't say a single word to him. I sighed as i grabbed a water bottle. "You're getting married to Minji, she's my best friends daughter, we already planned this last year". As soon as i heard the word married i spit the water out that i was drinking. I looked at him with wide eyes. "BU-", i was cut off. "No buts Yoongi, you're getting married and that's final". 

"By the way 'DAD', i found out why you wanted me to kill Y/N.......", i said out of nowhere, and my dad remained silent." You saw the future...... you saw me and Y/N together..... She was my mate,  you knew that I'll eventually meet her someday so you decided to kill her. Since you didn't trust Ella anymore, you decided that I should kill her. You gave me some medicine that would not let me find out that she was my mate........BUT that medicine wore off when i killed her...... And now you want me to marry a person i don't even know, but i will marry her since it's you decision", He was still quiet like i didn't say a single word.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Ella dozing off on the sofa. I chuckled a bit. Her eyes quickly shot open and she looked at me. She rushed towards me and cupped my face. "OH MY GOD Y/N! I was so worried!!!!!", she said worriedly. I smiled at her which meant 'It's okay, I'm fine'. 

She made a 'oh yeah i forgot!' face. She handed me a letter. She smiled at me and left the room. 

I opened the letter, it was from Yoongi.........wait, i just remembered , he tried to kill me. I ignored that and started reading the letter.

To Y/N,

                   So you must be awake now huh? Look Y/N i'm really sorry i tried killing you, it was my dad's orders...... You were my mate and that's why he wanted to kill you. He tried killing you by someone else's hands but that person couldn't do it, so he sent me this time and yeah, i actually thought i killed you but luckily, you lived! I'm happy that you did. You don't know how much i cried after i thought i killed you. You said you love me...... I LOVE YOU TOO. In this vast universe where love and wickedness walk side by side, pay attention only to the love I feel for you. You are very beautiful and have many virtues, both of body and of soul.You are wonderful, you are very special, and that is why I dedicate all this love and affection to you.Since we first met, my life has changed, and my soul has changed and I became convinced that you're my definitive love. Nothing in this world will make me change my mind or opinion.To me you will always be the most beautiful, the most elegant and the most charming woman in the world.   You filled my soul, until then futile and empty, with solid concepts of humanity, generosity and clarity. Somehow, you filled that empty soul with the most fertile of seeds and made then grow here in my chest. Yes Y/N, i love you. I'll miss you a lot. I will never forget you, you'll always be my first and last love. I want to be with you but I'm afraid i won't be able to see you again Y/N. Don't try to find me. I asked Ella to take good care of you. I'm sorry if i'm hurting you. Always remember me. Also i know you'll miss my handsome face so i got u a pic! OK... i got ya more than one.....

 i got ya more than one

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I'll still remember when we kissed

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I'll still remember when we kissed. That was the best day of my life. I really love you. I hope i see you again someday.


Min Yoongi.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Why must you leave me?  I cried for hours.

I'll find you Yoongi....

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i hope u guys liked my story! I'll publish the second book either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

thank you for all the support. I love u guys! stay tuned for book 2. :)


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