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I'm really sorry for making short chapters 😢 anyways enjoy this chapter~

*The next day*
*At school*

Lia's P.O.V

I reached school early today. Not many people are here right now. I sighed and went to my locker. I was about to take my second book out but someone closed my locker. I turned around to see who that was. It was my boyfriend, Yeri. I don't even like him. He forced me to become his girlfriend. "What is it now Yeri?", I said in a cold voice. "I heard from someone that you were bullying Y\N again", he said. I glared at him and replied," yeah, so why do you care?". He caressed my cheek," I really don't care if you bully her, but I heard what you said to her...". I still glared at him. "You said her to stay away from Yoongi and that he's yours...", he said moving his hand to my arm, he squeezed my arm. "Ow! What the heck?!?", I yelled. A slap came across my face. I looked at him in shock. He had never slapped me before. "You are mine, only mine, you can't go near that guy.", he said gritting his teeth. He let go of my arm and walked away. I just stood there in shock.

Yoongi's P.O.V

God, where is Y\N??? We'll be late. I ran up to her room to check on her. I knocked on her door, no answer. I knocked again, still no answer. What is she even doing? I opened the door. Y\N was still in bed. We're defenetily going to be late. I sighed as I tried waking her up. She wasn't getting up. " Dad, 5 more mins~~", she said in her morning voice. OOF this girl. "Y\N, I'm not your dad, I'm Yoongi", I said in a loud voice. No use. What should I do??? An idea popped into my mind. I smirked and bent down. I whispered into her ear,"Bby ~~ it's morning~ get up or I'll kiss you~". She sat up straight with her eyes wide open. She was as red as a tomato.

Y\N's P.O.V

"Bby ~~ it's morning~ get up or I'll kiss you~", it was Yoongi. Shitake mushrooms. I sat up staright and I was blushing like crazy. "S-sorry Yoongi, I'll go g-get ready q-q-quickly". With that said I quickly got up and ran to the washroom. Ahhhhh, my heart is beating so fast ><. I quickly got ready and went downstairs to Yoongi. Yoongi smiled at me and said," aren't you going to do breakfast?". "N-no, I'm not h-hungry", I said. Why am I stuttering?!?! I feel like sitting in a corner and crying. We left for school and we weren't late, thank god. We still had 10 minutes left. Me and Yoongi grabbed our books and we were going upstairs to our class. Suddenly I felt hands on my back, they pushed me. I screamed as I fell down the stairs. The last thing I saw was Lia smirking and Yoongi screaming my name.

(Well damn she fell down the stairs again, such bad luck oof)

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