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Author's P.O.V

Yoongi quickly called the ambulance, he was on the verge of crying.(ITS ONLY THE 7TH CHAPTER YOONGI, SO MANY FEELINGS ALREADY???)  He didn't know why but he felt like he should've saved you. You were losing blood. Yoongi tried very hard to control himself. Yoongi slowly stood up from beside you and faced Lia.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I slowly stood up and faced Lia. "WHY THE F*** DID YOU DO THAT!?!?", I yelled at her. She just smirked at me. How can she be this evil? I pushed her hard and she collided into the wall. I heard gasps from the crowd around us. She looked at me in shock. She said," b-bby, why d-did you do t-that?". I stare at her," why did I do that? Seriously Lia, why I pushed you? Wouldn't I be the one questioning here? Why the hell did you push Y/N off the stairs?!? She never did anything to you!!! How would you feel if you were constantly bullied EVERY single day?!?". She was speechless but somehow spoke," h-honey , I l-love y-you. I did it for u-us, s-she was in o-our way". I laughed at that,"Do you seriously think I would love a girl like you? How was she in our way? Wait...Basically 'YOUR' way. I was never going to be with a girl like you". She just stared at me, I sighed," just go away...". Tears formed in her eyes. What the heck? Now she's crying? "Why the h-", I couldn't finish my sentence because I punch came across my face. I fell on the floor. I heard a guy saying," who are you to talk to my girlfriend like that?!?". I looked up. Lia was shocked at what just happened. She quickly came near me, she was about to hold my hand, I slapped her hand away,"don't touch me". Her boyfriend held her arm harshly and pulled her back. He dragged her away without saying a word and she was just crying. The crowd was just staring at me and Y/N. The ambulance came after some time. I went to the hospital with Y/N. When they reached the hospital they quickly took her into the emergency room.

After hours the doctor finally came. He told me that Y/N lost a lot of blood but she was fine. I thanked him and rushed to her room. She was still unconscious. I sat down on the chair beside her bed. I ran my fingers through her hair. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I couldn't save you. I know you can't hear me but I'm really sorry", I said in a low voice.
I stayed there all night. I didn't eat or drink, basically drink because I'm a vampire. I lied down on the sofa after taking out my phone. I had a message from Jin hyung and also my dad. I opened my dad's text first.

From dad:
Yoongi-ah. Did you do what I asked you to?

I didn't reply him. I then looked at Jin hyungs text.

From Jin:
I'm sorry Yoongi-ah. I was busy. How are you?

To Jin:
It's ok hyung. Im okay I guess.

He replied back in seconds.

From Jin:
Why??? What happened?

To Jin:
My Dad sent me to Korea to do my usual job. This time it was a girl named Y/N. I seriously don't understand why her? She's so nice and kind and fun.

From Jin:
Ohhhhh. AND?????

To Jin :
Hyung, I feel like I should protect her. I really want to but I can't...
A girl named Lia pushed Y/N off the stairs and now she's in the hospital. She isn't waking up.

From Jin :
Oh, wait what? Why is Lia in the hospital???

To Jin:
Wtf hyung, Y/N is not Lia. Omg hyung she woke up!!!

From Jin:

To Jin:

I quickly walked to Y/N. I smiled at her," Y/N, your finally awake".
She looked at me in a confused face," I'm sorry, but do I know you?". Wait what!?!?! The doctor didn't say anything about memory loss!!!!

I hope you liked it. I'm sorry if it's not so good. My brain isn't working again cuz all I had in my mind right now was 'Chihayafuru', its an anime based on karuta. Love you guys byeeee.

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