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So here's the update! I don't feel like writing but since I love you all, I am updating :)
P.S: That chibi up there is cute af!

Y/N's P.O.V

Lia is sleeping in my room right now. I still can't believe what she did. I sigh as I sit on the sofa. I'm so sleepy ugh! I lay down and drift off to sleep.

I wake up hearing a door close. I go up to my room to check Lia. I open the door and see the room is all clean. She left? Wait... I did hear the door close, so it was Lia.

I see a paper on the bed. I pick it up and see that something is written on it. It's from Lia.

Thanks for letting me stay at your home and thanks for hearing me out. I want to apologize whatever I did to you. I hope you you forgive me.
Also, I won't ever annoy you again or anything because you wouldn't be seeing me anymore. I regret doing what I did to Yeri... I can't live with this sin I've committed for the rest of my life. Bye Y/N.


What?! She's going to commit suicide?!? I quickly grabbed my jacket and headed out. I called Yoongi.

'Oh hey Y/N!'

'Yoongi meet me near Gangnam park quick!'


'I'll explain later, just hurry'

I ended the call and went to Gangnam park. I saw Yoongi sitting on a swing. I ran towards him and shout out his name. He looked at me and came towards me. "Y/N what happened?!".
I answer," it's Lia, she's going to commit suicide, we have to find her quick". Yoongi was about to say something when we heard people sceaming.

We hurried there and saw people looking at the top of a building. I looked up and saw a girl standing at the edge. It was Lia. I quickly grabbed Yoongi's wrist and ran in the building.
We reached the rooftop just in time and saw Lia. "Lia! Don't!", I yelled. Lia looked at me.

Lia's P.O.V

I heard Y/N's voice. I turned around to see Y/N with Yoongi. A tear rolled down my cheek. " Y/N I can't live like this... I'm sorry", I said as I spread my arms. Y/N and Yoongi's eyes widened as jumped off the building. Y/N surprisingly held my hand. Yoongi came to help her but it got too late. My hand slipped from Y/N's hand. Goodbye Mom and Dad. Goodbye Y/N and Yoongi.

Y/N's P.O.V

Her hand slipped from mine and I watched her fall. Tears started forming in my eyes. Yoongi pulled me to him and hugged me. He kept saying it's ok again and again. "She fell...I couldn't save her....", I said while crying. Yoongi patted my back," it wasn't your fault Y/N".

Lia died.... Her hand slipped through my hand and.... I..... Watched her fall.

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