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Yoongi's P.O.V

As soon as I entered Y/N's house I heard Y/N scream. I quickly ran upstairs. I opened my rooms door and there I saw Jungkook on top of Y/N. He was about to suck her blood. I yelled at him, " JUNGKOOK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?". He quickly got off of her. He looked at me me and frowned. " hyungggg, I was hungryyyy. Why didn't you let me drink her bloood???", he whined. I asked Y/N to leave the room. She quickly left. I sighed as I looked at Jungkook. "Jungkook you shouldn't have done that.....", I said. "But hyung...... I couldn't resist myself....", he said. I said in a calm voice," Jungkook, you need to control yourself......wait, what are you even doing over here? How did you know I was living at Y/N's house?". He smiled sweetly," I thought of giving you a visit~ And Hoseok hyung told me where you were". " Why didn't you tell me you were coming?", I asked. " I did, I sent over a 100 texts, I tried calling you too but you weren't picking up", he answered while pouting. Why didn't I recieve his texts and calls? Wait.......... Oh yeahhhhh, I blocked him because he used to text me a lot and I found it annoying.... "Oh sorry.....", I apologized. I quickly took my phone out and unblocked him. I checked the texts he sent me.

(sent on Monday at 1:00 p.m)

From Jungkook:
Hey hyung~~~~

From Jungkook:
How r u?

From Jungkook:
I heard u live in Korea now ;-;

From Jungkook:
I miss you~~~~

From Jungkook:
Hyung are you alive?

From Jungkook:
Omg! Did some human stab you with a wooden knife????

From Jungkook:
Wait..... If ur dead then why am I texting you?

From Jungkook:

( sent on Tuesday at 2:30 a.m)

From Jungkook:

From Jungkook:
V-hyung isn't giving me my pants baaaaack!!!!!

From Jungkook:
Hyung please run over here right now and make V hyung give my pants back!!!! Quick ~~

(sent on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m)

From Jungkook:
Hyung you haven't been replying to my texts....

From Jungkook:
Where are you????

From Jungkook:
Did ur dad sent you to do some lame job again????

From Jungkook:
Shit, gtg, Namjoon hyung broke the T.V.

(sent on Thursday at 1:03 a.m)

From Jungkook:
Hyung do I look?

From Jungkook:

From Jungkook:Jimin-hyung took a picture of me~~~~~~

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From Jungkook:
Jimin-hyung took a picture of me~~~~~~

From Jungkook:
Hyung -_- , hyuuuuuung, HYUUUUUUUUUUNNNGGGGG.

From Jungkook:
Aish, why am I even trying?

(sent on Friday at 5:30 a.m)

From Jungkook:

From Jungkook:
I'm ditching everyone else B)

From Jungkook:
Jimin-hyung is not letting me go.

From Jungkook:
He's clinging to me.

From Jungkook:

From Jungkook:
I'm coming in a while~ I'm gonna use my super speed to come to you~~~~~~~~

From Jungkook:
See you in a few hours~

From Jungkook:
See ya~

From Jungkook:
Btw, ik where you live thnx to hobi-hyung~

I chuckled and turned off my phone. I asked Jungkook to wait for me in my room because I got a lot of explaining to do...... I sighed as I left my room and entered Y/N's.

I really hope y'all liked this chapter~ annyeong my readers~ saranghae <3

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