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*The next day*

Author's P.O.V

You were ready for school but Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. You went to check on him. You opened the door and saw him in bed. You sighed as you walked towards him. You were about to wake him up when he sat up. His back was facing you. "We'll get late for school, so hurry up an get ready", you said while leaving the room. You heard his morning voice,"ok". You went to the kitchen and made breakfast for yourself. You made pancakes :3. You sat down and ate your breakfast, you waited for Yoongi to come. After a while Yoongi came in the kitchen. "Let's go Y/N". 'Does he even remember about last night? He's so calm, wait should i ask him about breakfast'. You were about to ask him when he spoke," yes, I remember about last night, let's forget about it and I don't want breakfast, I'm not hungry..". 'Wait how did he know what I was thinking!?!? Does he have superpowers? Oof whatever..'. Yoongi chuckled and you both left for school.

Y/N's P.O.V

Yoongi was in the same classes as me. I went to my class after leaving Yoongi at the headmistress's office. I just stared out the window waiting for the teacher to come. The teacher came in after a while. "We have a new student class". Yoongi enters and the girls squeal. I saw Lia making the 'He's mine' face. Yoongi bowed 90 degrees and said," My name is Min Yoongi, please take care of me". "Yoongi you can sit wherever you want". All the girls signal Yoongi to sit with them but he ignores them all. Lia patted the place next to her for Yoongi to sit but he didn't even look at her. He walked towards me and sat beside me. I could hear girls whispering to each other," why her?" "why did Yoongi bby choose her?" "ewww, he sat with Y/N". I sighed and Yoongi smiled at me. 'His gummy smile is so cute ><......wait....what? Y/N try focussing on your studies!!!' School was the same but.... in break,Yoongi and I sat together. Yoongi went to the canteen, as soon as he left, Lia walked towards me. "Hey bitch listen, Yoongi's mine, don't go anywhere near him or you'll regret it", she said in a low and threatening voice. She turned around and that's when I had to open my mouth,"bitch"." Did you just call me a bitch?", Lia turned around and said while smirking," yes I did". I felt anger building up inside of me. "You're a bitch, not me, and you don't own Yoongi. Is that clear to you!?!?",i yelled. 'oops, I guess I shouldn't have yelled'. A slap came across my face. I stared at her and then she was about to slap me again when someone held her wrist. "What do you think your doing!?!", yelled a voice. It was Yoongi. Lia looked at Yoongi shocked. "Yoongi honey...she-she called me a bitch..", Lia spoke making a sad face. Yoongi chuckles," Do you seriously think I believe you?". 'I'm loving this scene'.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I was returning to Y/N when I saw a girl slap Y/N. I don't know why but I felt angry. I ran towards them. The girl was about to slap her again when I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me shocked. She said," Yoongi honey...she-she called me a bitch..". She made a sad face. 'she looks ugly, I can even tell she one of those annoying girls who bully people and go after boys'. I chuckled and said," do you seriously think I believe you?" She looked at me with a surprised face. I smirk. I hear Y/N thinking 'I'm loving this scene'. I know what my job is but I seriously don't know why I felt like I should protect her. I said staring at the girl," I don't know who you are, but, I'm going to say this only once, "STAY AWAY FROM Y/N". She just stared at me with a shocked face and then she spoke seductively, putting her arms around my neck," My name is Lia bby, and why are you protecting her? You can have me". What the heck? I can have her? Pffft in her dreams. I said while smirking," In your dreams, and it's none of your buisness if I protect Y/N or not". I grabbed Y/N's wrist and dragged her out of the cafeteria. I heard Y/N squealing," That was so amazing!!!!!! Did you see Lia's face!?!? You're so cool!! By the way thank you for saving me..", she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and said," no problem~". The rest of the day just passed by. Boring lessons. I didn't even pay attention. It's the last period, the bells going to ring in, 3...2...1.. 'riiing~~~' finallyyyy. I can go home and drink blood, I'm hungryyy. Y/N and I went home, she was really happy because of what happened today. I went straight up to my room and changed my clothes. I quickly took one blood pack out and drank it. I sigh in relief and then I went to check on Y/N. She was there again, sitting infront of the t.v. again, so I sat beside her. She knew I came but she remained silent. She was hugging her knees and watched t.v. I guess the shows name was 'Love in the moonlight'. It was pretty awkward when a kiss scene came. Y/N didn't feel awkward, she just thought,' I'm having a weird feeling in my stomache...'. I should seriously stop reading her mind. Just like this time passed by fast. It was night now and Y/N didn't eat at all. I was about to ask her when I saw her sleeping. She looked so uncomfortable and she had a little cute pout while sleeping, I chuckled a bit. I walked towards her and picked her up bridal style. It was hard opening the door of her room but I managed to open it. I gently put her down on the bed. I stared at her a bit, mesmerised by her looks, I leaned in a bit. Our faces were a few inches away. I kissed her on her cheek. I quickly moved back realising what I just did. My heart was pounding like crazy. I tried my best ignore it and decided to leave her room.

Sorry for posting so late ;-; my wifi was being a beach..... Anyways I hope you liked it and I hope u survived because I made it extra long. This was for apologising. :3 annyeong~ see u in tge next update~

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