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Author's P.O.V

You made omurice for yourself. You went to the lounge and turned on the T.V. You comfortably sat on the sofa, and watched Hwarang. You tried focusing on the drama so hard but your mind would always go on Yoongi. You were falling for him.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I walked off the stairs slowly. I should apologize to Y/N. I went to look for her in the kitchen but she wasn't there. She must be watching T.V again. I went to the lounge and saw her smiling to herself. I looked at the T.V and saw Ban Ryu and Soojin? I guess... Kissing.... Ok... I don't know how but I imagined me and Y/N kissing... I shook my head quickly. I walked towards her. I sat beside her on the couch. I looked at her, she looked so cute~ I wish I could just hug her right now~ I kept staring at her and then she spoke," Yoongi?".

Y/N's P.O.V

"Yoongi?", I said while looking at him. Ha! I caught him staring at me~ I didn't know I was THAT beautiful. Anyways back to the talk.
"O-oh Y/N... Ummm I just uh wanted to apologize, for you know....", he said while looking down. Awwee he looked so cuuuute. I was about to speak when he asked," You think I'm cute???". Oh shit! I forgot! He's a Vampire!!! Aishhh. I looked at him and said," I forgive you and no, I think you're ugly". I stuck my toungue out. He pouted," I know you think I'm cute so stop lying". I ignored him and turned my face back to the T.V. I felt something on my lap. I looked down and saw Yoongis face. He kept is head on my legs..... I quickly pushed him off and guess what? I was blushing really hard again. Yoongi moaned in pain," owww wtf Y/N?". I didn't say anything and ran up to my room. My heart was beating really fast.
What is this guy doing to me?

Hehehhe, I'm sorry readers.....
-washma <3

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