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Yoongi's P.O.V

I entered Y/N's room. She was lying on her bed thinking a lot of stuff. 'Who is that guy?', 'i thought vampires didnt exist.... Are werewolves real too?','Why does Yoongi know him?', 'Is Yoongi a vampire?', 'Why did Jungkook come here?', 'oof, there are so many questions in my mind'.

I sighed as I sat down beside her. She quickly sat up straight. She was about to ask me something but I spoke before her," I know, you have a lot questions, and I'll answer them all. Let me explain". She nodded and I explained her everything, about the vampires and about jungkook, and also that werewolves exist, but, I didn't tell her what I was here for.

She just stayed quiet. "Ummm, you should rest now....... I'll go", I said and quickly left the room.

Y/N's P.O.V

Yoongi explained me everything. He was a vampire...... He was afraid that I might get afraid and run away. Jungkook was his friend........damn, my life is so weird.
I lay down on my bed. I couldn't sleep. I spent hours just staring at the roof. I was feeling hungry after a while. I exited my room and made my way to the kitchen. I decided to just eat jam and bread since I didn't feel like cooking right now.
I went to the lounge and sat down on the sofa. I turned the T.V on and ate my sandwich. Surprisingly, Hwarang's episode was coming at this time, it's like near 12 in the morning, "omg, soo ho's sister just did that to Ban Ryu, oh my gosh", I said in a low voice.
The episode ended and I was really tired now. I yawned amd went upstairs. Suddenly, I heard something break. The noise came from the kitchen. I slowly went downstairs.
I reached the kitchen, it was really dark, I could barely see anything. A dark figure was standing there. I turned on the lights and the figure turned towards me. I was about to scream but he covered my mouth. Wait, how did he reach to me so fast? Oh yeah this dude is a vampire, who knows what other powers he has.
"shh, it's only me", it was a familiar voice. I turned around, it was Jungkook.
"Jungkook?", he smiled and nodded. What is he still doing here? "I'm staying at your house for a while", he said. "Wait.....what?", I was surprised. I have to live with two vampires now. Yoongi was atleast nice and kind but this guy seriously looked like a pervert to me. "Yes", he smirked. "I should go now, goodnight", I said and turned around to walk, but Jungkook grabbed my wrist. "I can't let you go that easily", he smirked again.
He pinned me to the wall and his face moved closer to my neck. I felt his breathe hit my skin. "let's continue what I started before", he said. "p-pleas-", I couldn't even complete my sentence, he dug his teeth into my neck. I whimpered in pain. "J-J-jungkook, please s-stop...", I begged. He kept on sucking my blood.
But then I heard Yoongi," Y/N-ah, Jungkook-ah, are you guys in the kitchen?". I could hear Yoongi's steps coming closer and closer. Jungkook quickly moved back and smiled. Yoongi entered the kitchen," what are you guys doing up so late?", he asked. "Yoongi, Jungko-", jungkook cut me off. " We were just talking hyung", he said and smiled innocently. "Mhm, ok, u guys should go to bed now", with that said, he went back to his bedroom, leaving me with Jungkook alone again. "Y/N, you taste really good", he smirked and left.
I went to my room too. My mind was blank. I couldn't think of anything. The rooms door opened. I just hope it isn't Jungkook. "It's not Jungkook, it's me Yoongi", Yoongi said. I sighed in relief. "Oh, hey", I said. "Don't hey me Y/N. What did Jungkook do to you?", he asked. He was a bit angry. "N-nothing Yoongi", shit I stuttered. I seriously don't want to tell Yoongi. God knows what Jungkook might do to me. "Y/N, don't lie to me, tell me what he did", he said. "Yoongi, he b-bit me", I said, tears forming in my eyes. He walked towards me. He hugged me and I cried against his chest. "shhh, shhhh, it's ok, I won't let him do that again, I promise", he said in a low voice. I looked up at him and he smiled,"i promise I won't let him or anyone else hurt you". I had that same weird feeling in my stomache. "You should sleep now", he said. He was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "p-please don't leave m-me", I said. Why did I say that!?!? Gosh......... He smiled at me.
I was scared, I was scared that Jungkook might come again. Yoongi lay down beside me on my bed. I slowly drifted to sleep.



I hope ya'll liked this chapter n lol, I'm late, I had to update on saturday, it's sunday now, sorry, it's 12:05 a.m. So this means ill update tomorrow. Please anticipate, byeeeee~

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