Chapter One

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Long Time No See

Malaika Kya

"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
The seven sins that came to be"

A smile graced my lips as I skipped up a massive hill, listening to the chatter of happy men as they enjoyed themselves inside of a bar.

"All sins are grave
All sins are neat
They are the sins that never admit defeat"

Reaching the bar, I noisily opened the door before walking inside. Immediately eyes were set on me, wolf whistles echoing through the air as I walked in.

"Will they save us?
Will they kill us?
Wonders that all think are near"

Reaching the counter that divides the alcohol from the customers, I knocked on the wood three times before sitting down and waited for someone to show up.

"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
They are the seven sins that came to be"

I watched as a small blonde made his way towards me, a confused look on his face as he stared at me with curious and surprised emerald green eyes.

"Tell me,
Which one will you be?
Let you choose your fate and be set free"

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" The blonde questioned as he tilted his head to the side. Blinking at him in slightly confusion, I let my eyes widen in realization as a spark of recognition zipped through my mind. "I don't think so" l proclaimed, deciding to hide my identity. "I see...Well, what could I get for ya?" He questioned as he gave me a close eyed smile. "Bernia ale. It's me favorite" I proclaimed happily. I gave Meliodas a cheeky smile as he blinked at me in surprise once again before scratching the back of his head.


Chuckling lowly in amusement, I watched with playful eyes as my old friend made my drink. "Are you sure a young girl like you should be drinking ale?" He asked as he handed me my drink. "Are you sure a kid like yourself should be owning a bar?" I retorted back before taking a sip. I hummed lightly as I ignored his intensive staring, deciding to enjoy my ale as the little green eyed blonde tended to the rest of his customers.

"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
The seven sins that came to be"

I sang lowly, enjoying my me time as one of the customers ran into the bar, exclaiming about a 'rusty knight'. I listened to him as he told his friends what he had heard so far, holding back my laughter as others got easily spooked.

"All sins are grave
All sins are neat
They are the sins that never admit defeat"

Just as the man finished, the sound -and smell- of rusting metal neared the bar's door. I ignored it as I continued to sip on my favorite ale, swinging my legs lightly as the men panicked before rushing out of the bar.

"Will they save us?
Will they kill us?
Wonders that all think are near"

As the last man ran out, the sound ceased, making me look over my shoulder to see what happened. I watched as the supposed 'rusty knight' swayed on his feet, soon falling to the ground in complete exhaustion.

"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
They are the seven sins that came to be"

"Oh? A female? How interesting..." I muttered as I jumped out of my seat. I then approached the fainted girl, looking down at her in wonder and curiosity before removing the metal from her body. "What are you doing?" I heard a high pitched voice question. Looking to my left, I blinked in surprised as I came face to face with a pig.

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