Chapter Eighteen

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Is This The End? Pt. 2

Malaika Kya


"Then how do I bring them back Malaika. Please, tell me..." He begged as he held onto one of my arms tightly. Clearing my throat lightly, I glanced over towards my best friend as he gave me the 'go ahead' gesture. " said that da tears of a certain Phoenix can bring the dead back" I informed as I thought back to what Carmen had said earlier.

Gotta ask Elder Dragon about an Eclipse Phoenix the next time I see him.

Keeping that thought in mind, I let out a surprised squeak as Ban grabbed me by my shoulders. "Are you serious?!" He excitedly asked with a wide smile on his face. Feeling my body relax, I gave my red eyed lover a gentle smile as I nodded my head. "I would never lie to ye, Ban. Yer me greatest friend." Spotting the surprised expression on his face, I quickly wrapped an arm around his neck before bringing him down and roughly ruffling his hair. "Malaika, quit it! We gotta go help Cap'n!" Chuckling at the whine he gave me, I childishly let the male go before stepping back and clasping my hands behind my back.

"Then let's go save me lil' brother, yeah?"

Giving him a close eyed smiled, I teleported us back to the battlefield just as Diane was thrown by a demonized Jericho. "...Angel, are you sure it's alright not to tell him the whole truth?" Beowulf softly questioned as Io, Zeus, and Thalassa made their appearance. Smiling painfully to myself, I watched as Ban killed the demon sprout in Jericho with his bare hands while I held an incantation ball in one of my own. "It's fine. Seems like I could go on a wee bit longer wit'out sayin' anytin'" I proclaimed before throwing the ball towards a completely injured giant. Grinning at the surprised look on my friendly giant's face, I looked down at Convel as he barked to get my attention.

"Can we stop the other ones as well?"

Chuckling at how excited the pup was, I kneeled a bit and pat the hound lovingly on his head before straightening myself. "Go nuts. Just don't kill 'em. Beowulf show 'em how it's done" I ordered. After receiving a bark from the elder hellhound, I watched as he and all my other mythical creatures ran into the battlefield and disappear from my sights. "O-kay then! Let's go get me lil' brother an' sister!!" I cheerfully exclaimed as I faced four of the deadly sins, a holy knight, and Lloyd. "Shouldn't we stop the other Demons?" Hauser curiously questioned as he pointed a finger to said group of Demons. "Nah, me buddies got it from 'ere. Ye guys should save up ye energy fer da real battle" I informed as I let my molten colored flames circle around everybody. "Malaika...What are you doing?" Harlequin asked in a suspicious tone. Giving my spellbound son my usual wild smile, I tilted my head back a bit as basked my face in the sun.

"Takin' us ta Meliodas, of course."

Ignoring everyone's -save for Ban and Lloyd- expressions, I transported us all to Hendrickson's lab before ceasing my flames and letting out a loud gasp. "Are you insane?! You could've hurt yourself!" My young grasshopper exclaimed as he rushed to my side. "Yer always such a worrywart!" I breathlessly laughed out as I lightly shook the dizziness away.

"Man, ye guys are heavy! Ye should consider losin' some weight!"

"Ah, she's fine" I heard Diane state. I laughed. "Of course I'd be! What kind of person do ye take me fer?" I asked as I looked up at my favorite giant. "An idiot" she casually replied as she crossed her arms. I tsked loudly. "An' dat's why yer a giant." Raising my arms in an 'oh well' gesture, I snickered amusedly as I dodged a well aimed punch from her before taking in the scene of an injured Elizabeth in Meliodas' arms and a surprised Hendrickson.

" Raising my arms in an 'oh well' gesture, I snickered amusedly as I dodged a well aimed punch from her before taking in the scene of an injured Elizabeth in Meliodas' arms and a surprised Hendrickson

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