Chapter Five

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Beast Kingdom

Malaika Kya

"Ban! Ba~an! Where are you~?"

I frowned as I looked around for my friend, floating myself high into the air so that I can get better ground. When I didn't find him, I ceased my levitation before landing softly on the ground. As I stood to my feet, I crossed my arms over my chest as I tilted my head to the side. "I wonder where he went?" I thought out loud. Gazing at the setting sun, I chuckled lightly as I listened to the little hellhound yip while running around my feet.

"When are ya gonna tire out, pup? Ya need to go to bed."

I giggled as Convel gave me a baby bark, his tail wagging as his tongue hanged out of his mouth. Sensing a small amount of magic, I blinked in surprise as my skirt suddenly rose into the air.

"Huh? You're not wearing underwear?"

Hearing Ban's voice, I quickly turned towards him and gave him a small glare as I felt my face heat up. "Ban! What the hell!" I whisper-yelled as I casted a glance towards a sleeping Elaine. "And you curse? An all in one package" he proclaimed as he placed a hand on his chin. I felt my face get hotter as my lips began to tremble.


The twenty-three year old gave me a boyish grin as I hid my face in my hands, silently dying in embarrassment as the moon began to rise into the sky. "I'm just kidding with you Mala! But I am curious as to why you're not wearing underwear" he admitted as I calmed myself. I immediately blushed again as I glared at him, his boyish grin returning as he held up his hands. "...I only wear them when I'm in a highly populated area" I mumbled as I avoided any eye contact with him. "Populated area? Like in town and stuff?" I heard him question. Nodding my head, I let out a small squeal as I felt his chin on top of my head, his body surrounding mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Is that so..."

Calming myself down once again, I silently sniffed the male before turning around in his arms and pulled on his ear. "Ow, Mala! What the hell!" He exclaimed as he brought a hand up to hold onto his injured ear. "You need to wash! You smell like someone's dead uncle!" I softly exclaimed back. I crossed my arms over my chest as Ban gazed down at me with a small pout, his hand still holding his ear as he began to smile. "Then take a bath with me!" He suggested as he gave me yet another boyish grin. Giving up on his mindset, I gave the man an amused sigh before agreeing.

"Fine. But don't touch anything you're not suppose to."

Giving him a warning look, I rolled my eyes at his excited expression before pulling my tattered clothes off. "W-wait! Give a guy a warning!" Ban cried out as I threw off my ruined tribal top. "You act as though you've never seen a woman before" I proclaimed as I turned my back to him. He was silent as I made my way towards the small pool, making me look at him from over my shoulder as I stepped into the water waist-deep. I sighed as he stared at me with red cheeks, blood pouring out of his nose as his red eyes became dazed.

"Don't make me force you into this pool, Ban. I'm not afraid to do so."

Snapping out of his trance, I chuckled as he rushed to undress before turning around to give him his privacy. While I waited for him to enter the water, I used my magic to create seats for us to sit down. As I heard the water splash, I gazed up at Ban as he stood beside me, his cheeks still red as he focused on my face. I blinked at him nonchalantly before letting out an amused chuckle, my shoulders shaking as his blush got brighter. "I didn't expect you to be such a gentleman" I proclaimed as I sat down on one of the stone seats I made. Ban gave me a pout in response, his eyes avoiding any contact as he crossed his arms over his chest. I tilted my head back and laughed.

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