Chapter Nineteen

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Malaika's Fake Birthday


"I can't believe ye made miss da whole fight!!"

Chuckling at how the redheaded kid growled at Malaika, I stared at her with worried eyes as she silently placed a hand on top of his head. "Had ta make sure ye would be alright, Miko." Hearing the small 'hmph' he gave her, Malaika and I made small eye contact once she looked up. "I'm sorry ta say tis Ban, but our lil' conversation will hafta be on pause wee a bit" she informed with a guilty smile. Blinking at her annoyedly, I narrowed my eyes in suspicion when she let out a wide yawn.

"It's pretty soon for you to go to sleep, ain't it?"

Looking over towards an sympathetic Captain, I gave him and Malaika a small frown when they shared a look. "I used up a wee bit much magic power t'an what I'm use ta" she informed after letting out another yawn. "That's cause you pushed yourself, love." Looking over towards Lloyd as he walked into the room, I gave him an annoyed grunt when he gave me a friendly smile. "Shut up, Lloyd." Said person chuckled at the irritated scowl he received from the unusually quiet female.

"Ban, if possible, I would like to talk to you before I leave."

Glancing at the guy curiously, I tilted my head to the side as he gave me a slightly serious expression. "Yer leavin'..?" Blinking over towards Malaika, I scowled slightly when she sat up a bit gloomily. "I still have a few things to do, love. But I promise to travel with you when I'm finished." Spotting the small pout on her lips, I decided to look away from them when they shared a hug. "Fine, but ye better come back or else imma come lookin' fer ya." Chuckling softly at the small threat she gave him, I looked back over towards them just when Lloyd placed a hand on top of her head.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Huffing a laugh, I looked down at Beowulf as he laid peacefully at the bottom of Malaika's feet. "What's so funny, huh~?" Peeking an eye open, the hound on gazed at me amusedly before closing it again.

Dumb dog.

Shaking my head at the hellhound as he continued to sleep, I looked back over towards Malaika as she told Miko something. "But I ain't tired!!" He exclaimed childishly. Malaika snorted. "Dat yawn tells me otherwise" she proclaimed as she sat up. Moving closer, I held a hand out to stead her as she stood to her feet. "You need to be careful, Malaika~" I sang out as she lightly shook her head. "What are ya, me birth giver?" Rolling my eyes at the annoyed tone she gave me, I simply shut her up by picking her up and carrying her outside with an amused kid following after me.

"Serves ya right, Malaika!!"

"Shut up b'fore I give ye a noogie."

Snickering at her childish threat, I exited out of the bar before turning around and hoping onto the roof. After gently placing Malaika down, I went back down and grabbed Miko before hopping up and placing him next to her. "I expect a talk after you wake, Malaika~." Receiving a strained smile in response, I hopped off the roof of the bar and reentered it before walking up to the bar counter and sitting down. "Bernia Ale?" Nodding my head, I gave Captain a wide grin when he placed a cup of ale in front of me.

"Hey Cap'n, how long do ya think she'll be asleep?"

Pausing in whatever he was doing, Meliodas looked up at the ceiling with a thoughtful look on his face. "I would say around three days" he informed as he went back to washing dishes. Heaving a heavy sigh, I sipped at my ale as I turned my back to the counter.

"What a pain~."

"Come on Ban! Let me have some!!"

"No way~! You don't need any~!"

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