Chapter Sixteen

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And So It Begins

Malaika Kya

"The final piece..."

"We just need the final piece..."

"And then, you'll be in our grasp..."



Jolting up with fluttering eyes, I gazed wide eyed at Elizabeth as she and the others stared at me with worried eyes. "That's so unlike you to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation" Meliodas commented as I blankly gazed around. "A..conversation?" I murmured as I racked my brain for any memories of earlier. Frowning when I came up with nothing, I looked over towards my little blonde demon through my eyelashes as he frowned as well.

"I don't remember" I softly proclaimed as I thought back to what had just happened. Glancing around the room, I let my eyes land on Ban as he gazed at me with steady red eyes. Getting a shiver down my spine, I gave him a shaky smile before looking down at Heros as he taped me on the arm with his tail. Furrowing my brows confusedly at his sitting behavior, I soon felt my eyes widen in surprise as the sudden rise of magic caught my attention.

"Get away from her now!!"

Ignoring the startled looks I received from everyone, I quickly tried to reach out for the unsuspected princess as a familiar Mage appeared behind her. "And with this, we have the final piece." Freezing at her words, I stared at her with a spooked expression as he and Elizabeth disappeared from our eyes. "FUCK!!" Jerking out of my trance, I raised an eyebrow at an obviously upset Meliodas as he shot himself outside. Watching as the rest of the boys followed after him, I tilted my head to the side as Astrum pawed at my skirt. Looking down at her, I smiled when I remembered one of her abilities before appearing outside as well.

"I 'ave a solution."

Catching everyone's attention, I let a wild-like smile graced my lips as I leaned against a -still- angry demon. "And that would be?" My little grasshopper questioned as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Taking Meli, Ban, Gowther, Bastet, and I to the Kingdom so we could get the princess." Closing my eyes into a close eyes smile, I let out a small grunt when said retired bandit placed an around around my shoulders. "Ya know, I reeeaalllyyy like that idea" Ban proclaimed as he gave me a close eyes smile. Staring at him blankly, I appeared on the other side of Meliodas as I sensed my seal crack just a bit.

Not good.

Tensing my shoulders, I forced myself to relax as I watched Lloyd calmly walk out of Meliodas' bar with a cheerful smile on his lips. "I'm coming too!" Face palming at his proclamation, I let out a small sigh before ushering him over. "C'mon then. I ain't got all day." Ignoring his amused chuckle, I waited until the majority of everyone was circled around me before giving Harlequin my attention. "I'm leavin' Arstum with you." Knowing what I meant, I let my molten-silver flames circle the people around me as my little grasshopper nodded his head.

"I'm comin' too!"


Letting out a loud groan, I gave the kid a small glare as we appeared in front of Liones' West gate. "Ye idiot!!" Bonking him on the head, I pinched the bridge of my nose as he let out a small whine. "What was dat fer?!" He cried out. "Ye wasn't suppose ta come!" I scolding as I gave him a frown. The boy gave me a frown back. "Ye wasn't gonna 'ave all da fun!!" He exclaimed as he pointed a finger at me. Groaning again, I let out a soft sigh as Meliodas cleared his throat. "Hate to interrupt, but we don't have time for any of this" he proclaimed. Hearing the double meaning in his voice, I sniffed the air before casually looking up at the group of knights in front of us.

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