Chapter Three

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Lovers Reunited?

Malaika Kya

"I can't believe he let it get this bad~."

Gazing at my unconscious friend, I looked over towards Diane as she sulked outside of the building we were sitting in. "Poor girl" Io cooed out as I began to mess with my hair. "She'll be fine. She's stronger than this" I proclaimed as i stood to my feet. "You sure are confident" Beowulf pointed out as he opened one eye to peek at me from his spot by the bed. I looked down at him before sticking my tongue out.

"If I'm not confident, then I have no faith. If I have no faith, then we die. It's as simple as that."

Gazing at me a second longer, the hellhound let out a small huff before closing his eye again.


"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
The seven sins that came to be"

I tapped my hand lightly to the beat as I sang, my eyes gazing out the window as I looked up at the sky. I narrowed my eyes lightly as I heard something from the distance, tilting my head to the side as I tried to focus on it.

"All sins are grave
All sins are neat
They are the sins that never admit defeat"

Closing my eyes and lowering my own voice, I began to pick up on someone humming along to my singing. I furrowed my brows at that as I continued to focus on it. "What are you doing?" I distantly heard Hawk question as I tuned into my beast ears hearing. Silently, I thanked Beowulf as he sent the pig a warning growl, opening the window so I could hear the humming more clearly.

"Will they save us?
Will they kill us?
Wonders that all think are near"

"It's much louder now" I proclaimed as I clearly listened to the humming. "From a man?" Io wondered out loud as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wonderful singing. "Miss Malaika, this song..." I heard Elizabeth try to proclaim as she stepped closer to me. Smiling widely, I opened my mouth wide as I sang along, tears desperately trying to escape from my eyes.

"Wrath, Envy, Greed
Sloth, Lust, Pride, and Gluttony
They are the seven sins that came to be"

"Angel" I heard Beowulf call out as the wind blew lightly through my hair. "I know, Beowulf...I know" I stated softly as I let my bangs cover my eyes. Shaking my head, I tapped my cheeks before giving the two worrying girls a cheery smile. "Are you alright, Mali?" Diane questioned as she leaned closer to me. Bring my hand out, I pat the sensitive giant on her head as I gave her a gentle smile.

"Tell me,
Which one will you be?
Let you choose your fate and be set free"

"I'm completely fine Diane. Thank you for worrying."

Giving her one last smile, I looked towards Baste Dungeon before stepping back. "Miss Malaika, that song...I heard it once when we first met. I didn't know you were singing it" the princess admitted as she gazed at me with a shocked expression. "Hai, hai. The reason you were able to hear it is because of my Enchanted Voice...It's a song has been passed down in my family for generations and I deeply enjoy it whenever I sing" I informed as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's beautiful."

"I'm glad another person thinks so" I responded as I gave her a happy grin. Calming down, I looked up at the ceiling before looking back at Diane. "I know. I'm going to go get Ban since Captain is injured" the giant stated as she stood up. Giving her a cheering smile, I leaned my upper body out the window and waved my hand in the air like a maniac. "Have a safe journey and don't get tricked!" I exclaimed as I watched her walk off. Chuckling at her nonchalant wave, I paused as I took notice of a swarm of poisonous insects.

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