Chapter Twenty

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A Disappearing Act


The moon shined brightly if the kingdom of Liones, the betrayal of a former Holy Knight nothing but a upsetting memory as everyone enjoyed the unexpected ball their king threw.

Smiling softly at how happy everyone was being, a certain someone let out a soft sigh as her molten colored hair glistened in the moonlight. "Are you ready, Malaika?" Turning around at the question, said female gave her best friend a wide grin. "Not really, but I don' really 'ave a choice, now do I Merlin?" Chuckling in response, Merlin shook her head as she tilted her head for the side slightly.

"You don't."

Letting out a soft sigh, Malaika linked an arm up with her fellow Mage before looking at the girls behind her. "'Ow bout it? Ye ladies ready?" Getting a chorus of 'yes's, the usually galaxy eyed woman changed her hair and eye color before facing the door blocking her from a room full of people.

"Let's get tis party sta'ted t'en."

Raising an opposite wrist, both Merlin and Malaika shared an amused smirk as they used their magic to slam the double doors open.

"Happy Birthday!"

Hiding the surprise in her eyes, the supposed birthday girl gave everyone a loving smile as she tilted her head to the side.

"Thank you!"

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"Thank you!"

Receiving a chorus of red faces, Malaika looked around the room curiously as she took in the unique decorations. "Looking for somethin'?" Letting our a yelp, the exotic woman quickly turned on her heel to face the culprit that surprised her. "Ban?" Grinning at the questioning call, said retired bandit let his gaze wander her up and down as his jaw dropped in awe.

 "Ban?" Grinning at the questioning call, said retired bandit let his gaze wander her up and down as his jaw dropped in awe

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"You look...amazing."

Blushing slightly at his compliment, Malaika gave him a soft 'thank ye' as she avoided eye contact. "Ye don' look too bad yer self." Warping her flustered expression into a mischievous one, the wild woman gave her lover a lopsided smirk as his cheeks turned a faint pink. "Uh..." Snickering at the speechless male before her, Malaika gave her greetings to an approaching Gilthunder and Griamore as they stared at the women they loved with dumbfounded expressions.

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