Chapter Fifteen

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Welcome To The Family

Malaika Kya

"What do ya mean I'm the missing prince?! There's no way!!"

Snickering lightly at the disbelieving look on his face, I held up the picture of him when he was younger before pointing at it. "That is ya, Ban. I recognize dat nonchalant look anywhere" I knowingly replied as I gave me attention back to the two pieces of paper I ripped out. "If that's me, then where are my parents, huh?!" My retired bandit cried out. I tensed as I thought my answer, a vivid memory playing in my head as I thought of what had happened to two of my godparents forty years ago.

"What do ya mean da prince 'as been kidnapped?! Where's Gloria an' Bors?!"

Not getting an immediate response, I roughly pushed the palace guards to the side before rushing inside. "Gloria?! Bors?! Are ye alright?!" Not getting a response, I felt a shiver of fear run down my spine as a possible thought ran through my mind. "Angel, you need to relax" I heard Beowulf order as my souls frantically thump throughout my body. "I can't...I can't..." Shaking my head, I raced though the halls of the palace, my calls for my godparents ringing through the air as I searched every nook and cranny for them.

"Beowulf, I can't find 'em! Oh god, I can't fi-"

I paused my chanting as a pair of familiar scents entered my nose, making my shoulders tense as the heavy smell of blood tainted them. "No...No, no, no, NO!!" Shaking my head vigorously, I ran to where the smell was coming from, my footsteps echoing through the halls as my feet slapped against the marbled floor. Once I reached my destination, a loud sob escaped my lips as I took in the scene before me.

Both of my godparents laid dead on the floor, their blood painting everything red as I fell to my knees

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Both of my godparents laid dead on the floor, their blood painting everything red as I fell to my knees. Tears freely flowed down my face, my shoulders shaking in anger as I tried to contain my inner beast. "Whoeva did dis will fuckin' pay!!" I growled out as I curled into a slight ball. With my head pounding in pain, I stared at Gloria and Bors with glassy galaxy eyes as Beowulf cautiously made himself known. Softly he whined, his head brushing against mine as he sat beside me. "It's okay Angel. Everything's going to be alright" I heard him softly assure as my body began to tremble. Not wanting to lash out on him, I desperately tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths.

Once I was sure that I was going to be alright, I slowly sat myself up before blinking blankly at the dead bodies of my family. "...Dat guard said dat da prince was stolen, right?" Hearing an affirming growl, I tilted my head to the side as I frowned slightly. "Somethin's not right..." I mumbled as I carefully stood to my feet. Glancing back at my godparents, I raised a glowing hand in the air before waving the scene away from my eyes. Immediately the sight and smell of blood vanished, clean clothes replacing the soiled ones the dead bodies were wearing as they laid side by side one another. Sighing softly, I silently walked up to Gloria and Bors before bending down and closing their eyes one by one.

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