Chapter Seven

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                      Butting Heads


I frowned as we waited for Malaika to appear out of the door, my heart racing in my chest as the memory of Mala dying played in my head.

Why am I thinking about that right now?

Shaking my head, I let out a soft sigh as the weird looking door suddenly opened. Blinking in surprise, I felt my jaw slacken as the foreign woman appeared in front of us along with two unknown men. "Looking good Malaika" I heard Captain proclaim as I took notice of said woman's new outfit. "Thanks! Got it during the trial" she responded as she gave us a close eyed smile. As she opened her eyes, I watched as she nodded her head at the dark haired man beside her, making him nod back as he lightly pushed a white haired female in front of us.



Frowning lightly with a small blush, the young feline avoided her brother's upset expression as she held onto one of her arms. "Found her wanderin' inside. Didn't expect her to be so damn persistent" Malaika proclaimed as she scratched the back of her head. "Well, if you just agree to train me, I wouldn't have followed you!!" The Beast Princess exclaimed as she gave the nonchalant female an annoyed glare. Malaika just stared at the cat lazily before shrugging as she jerked a thumb towards the white haired man behind her.

"Hope ya don't mind, but he's mine from here on out."

Feeling my heart constrict in my chest, I watched as Captain shook his head before giving the unknown man a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Meliodas" the blonde greeted as he placed his hands in his pockets. The man looked down at Captain with a curious look before giving him a bow. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir Meliodas. I am Azayakana Kitsune" he informed as he straightened up. "Spirited fox..." The blonde murmured, making the fox blink at him in surprise.

"Eh, you're so lucky Malaika~."

Giving him a cheery smile, I watched as said female gave the white haired man a hug. "I know! And he's all mine!" She childishly exclaimed. Chuckling at her in amusement, I frowned in annoyance as Captain gave the dark haired guy a curious look. "I'm guess you're Beowulf?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side. "Eh?!" Diane, Master, Elizabeth, and I exclaimed as he nodded his head. "Wow~, you're good at this Meli" Malaika proclaimed as she let Azayakana go before placing an arm around the human Beowulf's neck. I blinked as he grunted before being pulled down to her height, an annoyed expression on his face as she gave him an innocent one.

"Let me go, angel" the hellhound growled out as he struggled to get the woman off of him. "No" she responded with a small snicker. Blinking at the amusing scene before me, I felt my eyes wander down to the sword in the annoying woman's hand as she held onto it tightly. "Oi Malaika. What's that?" I asked as I pointed at the authentic weapon. Tightening her hold, I glanced up towards her face as it became serious. "Phoenix Striker. It's an ancient and powerful sword from the Phoenix Clan" she answered as she used some spell to make it disappear. "How is it powerful? It looks like a regular sword to me" Diane proclaimed as she knelt down to look closely at Malaika's form.

"Just like its brother, Phoenix Spiker, the Phoenix Striker has the soul of a strong Phoenix inside of it. From what I heard, the soul is that of the Golden Phoenix."

Staring at her with calculated eyes, I clenched my hands into fists as the foreign woman looked off to the side. "That's some crazy stuff you're looking for Malaika. When are you going to tell me the reason for why you're looking for them?" I questioned as she gave me her attention. I held eye contact as she stared at me, her face devoid of emotion as she blinked.

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