Chapter Seventeen

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Is This The End?

Malaika Kya

"So glad you decided to join us, Lady Malaika!"

Raising an eyebrow at the sarcastic tone used, I gave Hendrickson an amused look as he gave me a crazed grin. "I mean, I kind of had ta since ye decided ta blast me wit' magic an' all." Shrugging my shoulders in mock boredom, I lazily glanced around at all the new knights as the demon blood took over their bodies. "What an ugly sight..." I mumbled under my breath as I lightly shook my head.

After heaving a small sigh, I put my attention back on Henny as he walked closer towards me. "Hand over Elizabeth and I'll let you live as a show of mercy to one of my own kind" he cockily proclaimed. Feeling my eyebrow twitch in annoyance, I gave the boy a tight smile as the air around us turned tense. "Is dat a threat?" I questioned in a light tone. He demonically smiled while tilting his head to the side.

"It's a promise."

Clicking my tongue, I lightly shook my head before raising a hand towards him.

"Such a shame den."

Flicking my wrist to the side, I felt my eyes widen in surpassed anger as the familiar sight of Helbram stopping my attack entered my line of vision. "" Tears brimmed my eyes as I took in the sight of my dead son, blood painting his pale skin as I realized who Harlequin was fighting. "Ta me son..." Hearing my voice tremble, my shoulders visibly shook as I clenched my fists tightly in anger.

"I will never forgive ya!!"

Thrusting a hand towards the Demon-Druid hybrid, my molten flames launched itself towards Hendrickson in absolute fury. Seeing his eyes widen in surprise, I used my other hand to keep Helbram's body exactly where it was so that it wouldn't receive anymore damage. "Don't ye even tink bout it." Matching the controlled Holy Knight's glare with my own, I flicked my wrist up and to the right as I levitated my body into the air. Once I was sure that my flames would keep him busy, I carefully -but quickly- placed Helbram into my Covered Tracks before mentally contacting Azayakana.

Fix 'im up fer me, will ya?

"Anything for you, Kya."

Sighing softly, I visibly relaxed myself for a moment before snapping my attention back towards a fast approaching Hendrickson. "'You should never leave your guard down'...Didn't you teach me that?" Staring wide eyed at his flamed covered fist, I watched as he swung it my direction before appearing behind him. "I did! At least ye good at somethin'!" Grinning widely, I grabbed the Druid by his hair and pulled it before carelessly throwing him off onto the side.

Humming as I sensed a shift, I looked down towards Elizabeth and her sister as they were held hostage by Vivian. "Bad, bad gal is what ye are" I scolded as I gave the young Mage a small frown. Smiling when I saw her flinch, I let out a pain filled grunt when I was sent flying into some houses. "Boy o' boy, dat lad is gettin' on me nerves..." Mumbling under my breath, I carefully sat up and watched Henny as he stabbed Meliodas and Gil before taking Elizabeth away.

Well that's no good.

Mumbling some more, I appeared next to the obviously upset Demon as he stood to his feet. "Malaika...Do you think you can heal Gil'bo?" Smiling at his question, I brought said boy towards me with my levitation before setting him down and bringing out my Goddess Wing. "Who do you think yer asking?" I questioned back as I sensed a familiar bandit's magic. Deciding to focus of the young Holy Knight, I placed the tip of my wing on his wound before letting said wing shine brightly.

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