Chapter Eleven

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                        A Storm's A-Brewin'

Malaika Kya

"...Ah. By the way, I know where Diane's hammer is" I proclaimed as I looked up at the moon. "Really?!" Said giant exclaimed. I nodded. "Yeah, it's at some village...Vaizel I think the name was" I informed as I glanced over towards her. "Oi, Malaika. Fix my jacket" I heard Ban order as I gave my attention back to the moon. "Fix it yourself" I responded nonchalantly before closing my eyes.

"I don't know how!"

"Then it's not my problem."

Hearing the former bandit let out an annoyed groan, I heaved a soft sigh before levitating my body into the air. "You guys should go to bed. I'll teleport us to Vaizel in the morning" I announced as I crossed my arms behind my head. "Where are you going?" I heard Meliodas question as Io came out god knows where. "Nowhere special" I answered as the owl perched herself on top of my knee. Sharing a knowing look with her, I heaved another sigh before raising us into one of the trees. "Now that your Dragon has manifested Angel-sama, what are you going to do?" The owl questioned as I gazed down at the others below us. I hummed in thought of her question, watching her with calculating eyes as I bounced my foot.

"...The next plan of action..."

"Maybe I can help you with that."

Blinking over towards the humanoid Angel Dragon, I watched her with curious eyes as her golden pupil-less ones started to glow. Patiently I waited, my attention soon going to my molten colored flames as I started to play with them.


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"Elaine! Harlequin! Helbram! Where are you~?"

I frowned slightly as I couldn't find my little Faeries, my hand rubbing the back of my head as I gazed around the Sacred Forest. "Honestly, where could they have gone?" I wondered as Beowulf sat by my feet. "Who knows" the hellhound responded. I frowned down at him as he looked off to the side, an amused gleam in his red eyes as his tail started to wag. "You know something that I don't and I don't like it" I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I have no idea of what you are talking about, Angel" the wolf taunted before giving a light chuckle. I grumbled softly at the teasing look my friend gave me before sighing.

"Malaika? What's wrong?"

Looking over towards an approaching Gerheade, I let fake tears well up in my eyes as I gave her a dramatic hug. "Oh, Gerheade! I can't seem to find them anywhere!" I comically wailed out. I twitched when I heard surpassed giggles, a small smirk gracing my features as the elder Faerie chuckled lightly. "And whom are you trying to find?" She questioned, deciding to play along. "The little ones!" I cried out as we separated. "My, my, my. Did they disappear?" She asked as she placed a hand on her cheek. I let out a fake sniffle as the giggles became louder. "Oh how I wished I knew! I don't want anything to happen to them" I dramatically proclaimed as I brought a hand up to my forehead. We began to chuckle as the giggling got louder, Gerheade and I sharing an amused look as shushing started to happen.

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