Chapter Nine

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                      Salute To The Wild Of The Wild

Malaika Kya

"Man~, that was fun" I proclaimed as I stretched my arms above my head. Hearing a satisfying crack, I let out a blissful purr before falling onto the ground. "And they call me a cat..." I heard my lovely pupil mutter as she practiced throwing knives at a tree. "That's because you are one" I responded as quickly sat up. Ignoring her grumbling, I looked over towards Harlequin as he had a nice conversation with the other three sins.

"So you don't have your Sacred weapons?!"

I stand corrected.

Standing to my feet, I rubbed the back of my head as I made my way over to them, soon laughing at the different expressions on everyone's faces. "Malaika, please don't tell me you lost it too" the Faerie proclaimed as he looked at me with river-like tears falling from his eyes. Giving him the 'a-okay' gesture, I snickered as he grabbed onto my shoulders. "Honestly Angel..." I heard Beowulf sigh out from his spot beside Elizabeth. "What? He told me not to tell him" I stated as I crossed my arms behind my back. "But I still want to know!" King exclaimed as he shook me lightly. An aloof expression graced my face as I looked at him, my eyes blank as his face started to turn red.


"What? It's safe and sound" I informed as I gave him a cheeky smile. "Where is it?!" He asked in a desperate tone. "Not on my being" I answered casually. "So you did lose it!" He cried out. I chuckled. "No, I didn't. I said it's not on my being. I have someone holding onto it for me" I proclaimed as I gave him a close eyed smile. I began to ignore his intensive scolding, my attention soon going over to a drunk Ban as he stared at his cup of ale solemnly. Scratching the back of my cheek, I sighed softly before making my way over towards him. Sitting next to him, I avoided looking at him as I gazed at the fire, the flames dancing in my eyes as they played with the wind.

"What's wrong with you?" The immortal man questioned as I picked up a random stick. "I could ask you the same thing" I responded as I began poking at the burning wood. I glanced over towards him as he gave me a confused expression, his eyebrows furrowed as he narrowed his eyes in thought. "Why'd I tell you?" He grumbled out as he took a sip of his alcohol. "Because we're friends, Ban. Whether you see or not, we are friends" I immediately proclaimed as I threw the stick into the fire. I let out a short hum as I stretched my arms above my head again, soon falling onto my back as I closed my eyes to bask in the setting sun.

"...I was told that the woman I love is still alive..."

Opening my eyes to information I already knew, I looked over to a sobering Ban as he gazed into the fire. I gazed at him as he got lost in his thoughts, a secretive smile playing on my lips as determination began to show on his face. "Then you better work hard on finding her" I proclaimed as I threw an arm over my eyes. It was quiet as I felt tears gather into my eyes, my nose letting out inaudible sniffles as I tried to calm myself. Once I did, I immediately sat up as I remembered something important.

"I can't believe I forgot" I murmured as I started tugging on my hair. "Forgot what?" I heard Meliodas question as I stood to my feet. "They're so gonna kill me!" I exclaimed as I roughly ruffled my hair. "What are you going on about, Malaika?" Hawk questioned as he walked over to me. "Quick, Hawk. Let me cook you into a roast as an apology" I suddenly proclaimed as I knelt down to said pig. "I don't want your apology!" He cried out as he ran away from me. I groaned out in annoyance before falling onto my back, a pout set on my lips as everyone crowded around me.

"Um, M-Malaika? What's wrong?"

Giving the blue eyed princess a blank expression, I soon gave my attention to an highly amused Demon. "I need to go somewhere" I informed as he peered down at me. "Another clan?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Really? Which one?" Elizabeth excitedly questioned as she clapped her hands. "The Dragon Clan" I blandly responded as I turned on my side. "They're not gonna kill you, Angel" I heard Beowulf proclaim as I let tears dramatically fall from my eyes. "You don't know that! The last time I was there was five years ago!" I cried out. "What's up with you being related to such dangerous clans?!" Diane exclaimed as I rolled onto my back.

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