Chapter Thirteen

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That's Not Gowther

Malaika Kya

"Hey Ban, can you promise me something?"


"Can you promise me that you'll take care of Elaine if something were to ever happen to me?"

"What are you talking about Mala? Nothing's going to happen to you."

A ghost of a smile graced my lips, my eyes staring off into the distance as I thought of the strange vision I had last night. "Nothin' is definite, Ban" I wistfully whispered as I gave the bandit my attention. "Well, I'll make is definite!! I'm not gonna lose you Mala!!" Blinking at the male with surprised eyes, I tensed up in shock as he grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me lightly.

"Not you nor Elaine. You two are stuck with me until the day I die."

Hearing the promise in his words, I gazed at the bandit in a new found light as I wrapped myself around him. "Yer somethin' different, Bandit Ban" I whispered to him as I touched his forehead with my own. I chuckled when I felt him furrow his brows, my eyes opening when I realized that I had closed them. My red eyed bandit and I stared into each other's eyes, something kindling in his eyes as he licked his lips in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

Smiling brightly at his question, I tighten my hold on him as my little one's light snores echoed around us.

"It means yer a breath of fresh air I 'ave been waitin' ta take."

"Malaika? Are you alright?"

Jerking in surprise, I gave a worried Diane a startled look as I inhaled sharply. "I'm...alright. Just thinkin' of our next plan of action" I lied as I stood up. Smiling at the frowning look she gave me, I levitated my body into the air as we began making our way back to the bar.

"So who are we looking for next?" I heard Elizabeth question once Diane and I reached her and the others. Her voice was able to snap me out of whatever thought process I was in, a small smile gracing my lips as she sat on the bar's makeshift porch. "The next person we are looking for is the Goat's sin of Lust aka Gowther" I informed as I crossed my arms behind my head. "He's here?" Meliodas questioned in a slightly surprised tone. I shrugged and gave him a lopsided smirk.

"Eh, nearby."

Grinning at his amused expression, I quickly pulled a scarf out of my spell before handing it over to the princess. "Wear this before the idiot decides to undress ya." Seeing a heavy blush on her face, a light chuckle left my lips as a blonde head perked up at the thought of undressing Elizabeth. "Do it and I'll kill ya" I proclaimed with a small glare. Rolling my eyes at the small chuckle he gave me, I looked over towards an approaching Ban as I felt his sleepy stare land on me. Tilting my head to the side, I moved my attention between him and Harlequin before frowning.

"Goddesses can be very deceiving creatures, Ban. Remember that."

Smiling mysteriously at the surprised look he gave me, I calmly moved to the side as he tried to make a grab for me. "How would you know? You're not a Goddess" he all but sneered at me. Arching an eyebrow, I smirked amusedly at him before shaking my head and turning around. "Maybe, but you don't know that. For all you know, I could very well be the calm before the storm." Sending the red faced man a cheeky wink, I quickly picked Elizabeth and the pig up before throwing the girl on my back as Ban made another attention to grab me.

"Cheerio and have a good day!"

Waving at an angry immortal, I cackled mockingly as we disappeared from his sights. "Why do you mock him so much?" Hawk questioned as I placed him in the ground. Giving him a thoughtful face, I lazily sat on his back after Elizabeth climbed off mine. "It's fun seein' how angry he gets" I nonchalantly informed. "Are you a Sadist?" He asked in a horrified tone. I snorted before shaking my head.

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