Chapter Six

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You Don't Know A Thing


I watched as Malaika walked into the weird room with her hellhound, an upset feeling setting in my chest as the door began to close. Just as it was about to shut completely, I blinked in startled surprise as something zoomed past us and ran into the room.

"What was...?"

"King Dartagnan!"

A pair of knights ran up to us in complete exhaustion, both of them panting as they stopped in front of their king to catch their breath. "What happened?" The overgrown cat questioned as he gave them his attention. "Princess Bastet...She just ran into this room!" One of them exclaimed as the pointed at the black and blue door. "What?! How did she get out her room?!" The king questioned as an uneasy expression graced his face. "She placed...a paralyzation spell...on us!" The other knight informed as he and his friend collapsed onto the ground.

Dartagnan clicked his tongue in complete annoyance as he gave his attention towards the door, his fists clenched tightly as his tail twitches vigorously behind him. "My king, what should we do?" The black tiger questioned from its place by the princess. "We can't do anything. Sarutahiko said that any who enter that isn't Lai's partner will get terminated" he stated as repeated that creepy voice's words earlier. I clicked my tongue in irritation as I remembered it's words about Malaika not wanting to interact with me, reminding myself to ask questions about it later.

"Ah, don't worry about Dart'bo. Malaika'll keep your sister safe."

Gazing over towards Captain, I smirked as he gave the white haired man a reassuring grin, making the Beast King relax as he nodded his head in agreeance before sniffing the air. "This smell, why does it seem familiar?" He wondered out loud as he sniffed the air again. Captain gave the king an amused smile as realization began to shine in his blue eyes, making a happy expression grace his face as he gave Captain an unexpected hug.


"I thought Malaika was the only one to call him that?" Diane questioned as we watched the two hug each other. "No. Malaika and Dart call me that. In fact, they both gave me that nickname a long time ago" the blonde informed as the two separated. "Anyways, while we wait for Lai to finish her trial, lets go to the waiting chambers. I'll request some tea as we catch up" the king suggested as he tucked his hands into the sleeves of his kimono. Nodding his head, Captain followed after Dartagnan with the others. I watched as they walked down the hall before staring up at the door, the marking on Malaika's torso flashing through my mind as Mala's words echoed in my head.

"They symbolize the clans I'm related too...Some are even used to show how powerful I am."

Scratching the back of my head, I began to walk the direction the others walked, finding them several minutes later as they sat on some weird looking chairs. "Everything looks so different now" Captain proclaimed as the smell of ale entered my nose. Perking up, I felt my mouth water as I spotted said alcohol sitting on top of a glass table. "Ah, that's because we modernized everything after Lai's return. She had came back with so much information after traveling through different dimensions twelve years ago" I heard the overgrown cat inform as I snatched up at cup of ale. Bringing it up to my nose, I sniffed it before smiling excitedly as I realized that it was the famous ale, Wild Heart.

Just as I was going to give it a taste, I paused as I let his words process through my brain. "Different dimensions?" I repeated as I gave him my attention. Giving me a nod, the feline crossed one leg over the other as he leaned back into his seat. "Dimension Hopper. That's the spell she used when she traveled. If I remember correctly, Malaika told me that she was able to get such a powerful magic because she achieved her powers twenty years ago" he explained as he scratched behind one of his ears. I blinked at him as the words rang in my ears, a frown gracing my face as I held my chin in thought.

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