Character Profile: Creatures

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They are a special species from an extinct planet named Werus. They only eat stardust to survive and have openings on their backs, which the stardust will come out again as mini-stars and act as a companion tool. 

The stars floating around them are only present if they are needed. When a Salyte sleeps there are usually no stars around. The 'stomach' always glows. If not the Salyte is dead or a dark one.
The hulls are always a dark color and the light of the 'stomach' glows and shines through the membrane. The hull is furless and has a leathery feel to it.
A Salyte can lift their hills and release stars if they need to. The stars usually last about two hours before they die and dissolve into dust. The stars are controlled my will and are used like human hands. 

Dying stars dissolve and fall onto the Salyte's fur, making it glitter. Usually they keep the dust since they're not bothered by it since it simply looks pretty and is natural to them. However, some do groom themselves or take baths regularly.

 However, some do groom themselves or take baths regularly

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Whitelytes and Blacklytes

Whitelytes are the most powerful of the Salytes. Over hundreds or even thousands of years they gathered power, magic, and wisdom. They are very rare to encounter, but if a Salyte does it is custom to serve the Whitelyte's wishes. Not all of them are good natured, though.
Many Salytes believe that Whitelytes as rumors, some think they are angels. Many fairy tales surround these beasts, good and bad ones. Most thought of them as guardians of Werus, though, watching over the land and helping those in need.

Whitelytes are able to create an unlimited amount of stars, travel through space and create items fusing stardust. They have magical powers, can float in midair using their stars and can move mountains by will. When they are using their powers their eyes glow, which is almost always since they see no use in hiding what they can do. Although, rumors say that there are some hiding amongst other Salytes.

Blacklytes are the dark kind of beings in the world, almost as strong as Whitelytes they don't search for their power and magic. They are like vampires, taking stars from others, leeching off the poor ones which are unfortunate enough to encounter them. Their constant hunger for more power leads them to give up what makes them consider living, leading their stomachs to become dark and their stars to be black. They drip of a dark substance from their stomach, which is probably remains of the stars they had swallowed.

Many Salytes deny their existence out of pure fear. They are nightmares in the heads of the young and even adults. Rumors say Blacklytes who are led by a white light become a dark one, being one of the most powerful one out there. If that is true, there will be more than a few cold bodies without stars.

They are also able to eat the stars of others, taking in their power and magic to create black stars. Their black stars are stronger than the usual glowing ones and they are not afraid to use them for evil. They are some how able to escape any attempt to capture them.

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