Chapter Four

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A young looking girl stood at the top of a large tree, gazing out into the forest as it attacked a group of merchants. "All humans are weak and deceiving things...Always wanting something for power, riches, or fame" she muttered to herself, reciting the words that her mother told her. She then gazed up at the sky, staring at the dark clouds with worrying eyes. Hearing singing, the girl quickly hid herself as a man appeared, watching with curious eyes as stood on top of the tree.

"So this is the fountain of youth that's protected by two Guardian Saints...Seems a bit exaggerated since I don't see...anyone?"

Appearing by his side, the girl looked up at the human male as he blinked at her in bewilderment. "Are you lost, little girl?" The man questioned. "I'm protecting this place" she girl answered as she floated into the air. "Huh?" He muttered as he jerked back in surprise, gazing at the girl's hand as she raised it towards him.

"From thieves like you, that is."

Blowing him away, she watched as the man fell to his death, a nonchalant expression on her face as she listened to his screaming. Just as she was about to turn around and check the other side of the forest, she paused as she heard singing again. Looking down, the blonde Faerie blinked in surprise when she spotted the man climbing up the tree, his determination strong as he reached the top. Again, she blew him away, frowning slightly when she saw him climb up the tree once again. Quickly she blew him away, gaping in shock as he reached the top for a third time.

Over and over this happened, both parties tiring themselves out as they began to get irritated.

"What the hell is your problem?!" The man yelled, finally snapping. "I should be saying that! How are you still alive?! No human can live after a fall like that, especially from this height!" The girl exclaimed as she panted to catch her breath. The man grunt as he placed his body on top of the tree, standing to his feet as the girl took a defensive stance. "I was lucky enough to get caught by a tree branch or saved from a cluster of trees or a giant Chicken-matango" he informed. The blonde haired girl gazed at him in shock, wondering why the forest would protect a human such as himself.

"But what do I know? However, to think that there was someone protecting the treasure like you, little girl...I should start getting serious" the man stated as he pulled out his magical three section staff. The girl clicked her tongue in distress, looking over her shoulder to gaze at something behind the fountain. "Oh? Whatcha lookin' at? Maybe there's something else with fountain of youth?" He asked as he followed her gaze.

Behind the fountain sat a foreign looking woman, her eyes closed as her back leaned against the base of the tree. Strange markings of ancient animals graced her body as her molten colored hair danced wildly around her peaceful face. Her arms were wrapped loosely around her midsection, something small and black resting in her hands as they protected it.

The man felt his eyes widen as he stared at the unknown female, his jaw literally dropping in awe. The girl immediately blocked his view of the foreigner, frowning at him as he gave her his attention. "You will stay away from her and the fountain" she ordered as she held her hands up in front of her.

"Even if I have to use force to make sure you do so."

Letting out a short yell, the man used his staff to snatch up a cup from the fountain, making the girl blink at him in shock as he held it in his hands. "What in the..." She mumbled as she stared at the fountain with wide eyes. "So it's not alcoholic" the man pointed out as he sniffed the water. Looking over to him, the girl watched as he shrugged his shoulders before smiling.

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