Chapter 1: Welcome to my silly life

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Skylar's POV:

Hey there. I'm Skylar Bay. You know the popular one with good grades. Living the apple pie life... or so everyone thought. I wasn't a 'good girl' per say,but i did have good grades. Sorry had. Well in my mother's eyes. Anything i do was never good enough. Do you know how that feels like?

She would always lecture me on my grades that i can 'do better '. Yeah i would like to see her in my shoes. You want to know the worst thing she does? She always compares me to my sister. You know how it makes me feel? Like the tiniest dumbest person in the world.

Sure my dad took my side a few times but the rest of it he would usually stay quiet. My big sister never did anything wrong in my mother's eyes. She was the Golden Sibling . No wonder i turned out this way.

I guess you're wondering how a girl like me is popular huh? Well let's just say the school likes my rebellious side. You know how hard it is living two lives? The good girl at home that doesn't drink,smoke or do drugs and then at school not giving a fuck.

Well i was having another nightmare. Surprise! Not! My alarm went off and i quickly shut it off. God i hated waking up at 6:30 in the morning. I lied in bed for a few minutes before deciding to get up.

I walked to my bathroom and stripped off my PJ's and got in the shower. Turning the tap as hot as i could take it and relaxing the muscles that's tight. The hot water burning my cuts, but i really didn't mind. My music playing in the background. I just loved Metallica. It normally calmed me.

After my shower i rapped the towel around me and walked to my closet. Thank god i have a walk in closet. I looked around and going with the usual. I took out my long black sleeve shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans and i tied a red and black plaid shirt over my waist. I decided to wear my black Nike's and my outfit was done. The kids at school never questioned why i was wearing a long sleeve shirt in summer. They thought it was part of the rebellious look. Well that is my excuse.

I then went to brush my long blond brown hair. I then put on some mascara and eyeliner to pop out my hazel eyes. I packed my bag and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a apple and juice. This was normally my breakfast because i didn't really want to spend breakfast eating with my parents. I know it sounds like i'm a horrible person, maybe just a little but you just don't understand how uncomfortable i am around them.

I grabbed my keys for my black RangeRover i got from my parents as a gift for leaving me alone for two weeks. Oh i could probably be popular for the money too. Ah well i really don't care. I got in my car and put my bag in the passenger's seat. I pulled out the driveway and turned my radio loud.

Me,myself and i - Candyland remix - was playing and i sang along to the words. The school wasn't that long of a drive from my house. I parked my car in my usual spot and got out grabbing my bag. I locked my car and made my way to the locker. After putting my stuff in my locker i turned around to someone that was poking my sides. My frown turned into a smile as i saw who it was.

"Hey Gwen!" I said giving her a tight hug. Gwen is my bestest of best friend. We've been friends since grade 7. She was a new kid but something about her interested me so i befriended her. Maybe it's her looks no denying she is not hot.

"Hey Sky!" She said and hugged me just as tight back.

"So how was your weekend?" She asked with a smile.

"Boring! To bad i “had to hang out with my parents”" i said using my fingers for effect.

"And how was that?" She asked with a hopeful face. I guess she is the only one that actually knows about my home life. Of course she doesn't know about my cutting and stuff.

"I spend my whole weekend in my fucking room! That's how it was" i said a little annoyed at my parents now.

We saw the boys walk up to us. Tyler and Tyson were the first one's to give me a bear hug. A bear hug from those two boys at the same time can defiantly break a few ribs. Tyler and Tyson are twins. Popular jocks of course. They are kinda hot. You can tell them apart from their hair. Tyson had blue in his hair as a dare and Tyler's hair is still it's normal dark brown. You can clearly see their jawline and their defiantly well build. They have this dark chocolate brown eyes which actually suit them perfectly.

"Hey guys" i said and hugged them back as they squeezed me to death.

Next was Mr. Golden boy. Nick Jackson. He was actually really sweet. He had dirty blond hair , blue eyes, perfect lips , perfect grades , perfect body... let's just say he is perfect.

"Hey hey Nick " i said as i got on my tippy-toes to hug him. I'm not really that tall but i love my short height.

"Heyy Sky! You missed a whole lot of fun this weekend" he said as he bent down to hug me. He literally picked me up off the floor.

"Yeah yeah i know, i know" i said as he put me down.

Last but not least it was Liam Gray. One of the bad boys. He had this dark brown hair almost black and this crystal blue eyes. He was well build. God they all are. He always had jeans on with a tight shirt and a leather jacket. Sure we made out a few times nothing major. We were friends with benefits but we only got to kissing. There is no way i'm letting anyone see my cuts. I don't even get undressed before Gwen.

"Hey stranger" he said as he hugged me.

"Hey" i said softly and i also had to stand on my tippy-toes again.

Damn these boys and their height. Or is it just my shortness? No way! My shortness is cute! Besides i'm not that short!

As he let go he gave me a wink and i gave him a playful kiss threw the air. And then i saw her. One of Liam's sluts walking towards us. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She always has these slut outfits on. You know? The crop tops with the very short skirt always trying to show of her fake boobs. Oh yeah i said it. It's fake!

The bell rang and i wanted to cry. I made my way to math as i thought that maybe i could skip tell the teacher i overslept. My decision was not really the one i wanted because now i'm sitting in math class bored out of my head.


Hey guys thanks for reading.

I hope you enjoyed.

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Sorry if it's not that good but i try (:



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