Chapter 14: Horror

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Skylar's POV:

"No way guys nah-uh" i said as i walked in to the room. The group wanted a movie day so we were all currently now at Nick's house watching movies. They all wanted to watch a horror movie, don't get me wrong i love horror movies but they wanted to watch a clown movie. Now those i hate.

"Oh come on babe. I'll hold ya hand if you get scared" Brian said to me. I just sighed and sat next to him. We all were in couples except Alec wasn't here. No surprise. We were all on the floor couples sharing blankets.

"Fine" i said and the boys cheered and the girls laughed. Me and Brian were sitting on the end by the door. My fear was what if a clown gets in and then i'm the first to die. I know it's stupid but i really don't like clowns.

We were in the middle of the movie and i was scared out of my pants. I was really holding on to Brian for dear life. He whispered calming words now and then but it really didn't help at all.

"I need to go to the bathroom" i said and i really didn't want to go alone.

"Then go" Tyson said and i gave him a glare. Not that he would see it because the only light was from the screen.

"No way i'm going alone in the dark hallway" i said and looked over at Gwen who was already half asleep on Chad's arm.

"Aw are you scared?" Nick asked and i rolled my eyes.

"Shutup! Gwen wanna come with me?" I asked really hoping she would come.

"Nah-uh i'm too tired" she said and i sighed.

"I'll go with you" Brian said and i nodded.

"Thanks" i whispered as we got up.

We walked to the bathroom with me squeezing the living out of Brian's arm.

"If you hold any tighter i fear it may fall off" he said and i loosened my grip.

"Sorry" i said and walked in the bathroom.

I quickly relieved myself and went to wash my hands. Suddenly i swear i saw something out at the window. I yelled so hard i think the roof almost collapsed.

"What!? What is it?!" Brian said as he barged in the door.

"I t-thought i s-saw something b-by the w-window" i stuttered as i stood there in shock.

"It's probably your imagination. Come on lets get back to the others" he said putting his arm around my shoulders and i nodded. I wrapped my arms very tight around his waist as we made our way back to the movie room.

"Are you guys okay? We heard Sky screaming" Nick said and Gwen was awake concern in her eyes. The movie was paused, the lights were on and everyone was looking at us.

"Yeah Sky thought she saw something by the window" Brian said as we sat down.

"Yeah it's probably my imagination" i said shaking my head.

The group just laughed. A few minutes later something burst in the door. Sorry not something a motherfucking clown. I jumped up screaming punching the thing as hard as i could in the face.

"Ow mother of holy oil" he said holding his nose and taking off the mask.

It was the one and only Alec. Of course it was. There was lots of blood dripping from his nose.

"Holy shit i'm sorry" the group is laughing their asses off.

"Geez Sky did you really have to hit so hard" he said and i really felt guilty. Who am i kidding? Of course i didn't feel guilty. He was the one trying to scare me.

"Yeah that is what you get for scaring me" i said and grabbed him by the shoulders. My fist is really hurting" come on lets stop the bleeding" i said and led him to the bathroom.

I cleaned his nose and the bleeding stopped after a while.

"Sorry for scaring you. And i'm sorry for the way i acted the other day at the diner" he said looking deep into my eyes.

"It's fine. And i'm sorry for punching you. Twice" i said and smiled at him.

"It's fine i deserved it" he said and i laughed a little.

"Yeah ya kind of did and you look ridiculous in that suit" i said and he laughed too.

"Cool?" He asked.

"Cool"i said and we just stood there smiling at each other.

Suddenly i felt his lips against mine. I was in shock at first but i kissed back. And god was it not amazing. I swear it was the best kiss i ever had. I think- no i saw fireworks. My heart was beating so fast. My hands were on his neck and his hand on my waist and it was just passion until someone knocked on the door.

We quickly pulled away and opened the door. It was Brian. God of all people does it really have to be Brian.

"Everything alright?" He asked and i was trying to hide my swollen kissed lips.

"Yeah the bleeding finally stopped" i said and he nodded. Things were very awkward.

"Well let's go" Brian said and we walked back to the movie room.

I don't really know what we were watching because i just couldn't concentrate. Alec and i were stealing glances every time we could. And i was so lost in thought.

Why did he have to go and do that? Oh god i just hope Brian never finds out. Why did i enjoy the kiss so much? Why did i see fireworks? Does he feel the same way? No he couldn't possibly. Agh!! Why me? What question is that Skylar. Bad luck is your fucking best friend. Language. Sorry i know i'm working on it! Dammit. Stupid Alec. Stupid kiss. Stupid Skylar. Stupid hormones. Stupid everything. Why do i always get the bad luck. Can't things just go smooth for once? Of course not. You know why? Yeah it's because it's life. That's right it's life kicking me in the ass again.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing i knew i was dreaming about a dark haired, green eyed guy. Yeah Alec and his charm. Geez i sound so girly right now.

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Thanks my lovelies



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