Chapter 11: So... When do we meet him?

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Skylar's POV:

Well a few months went by and i met this amazing guy at a bar and i was actually happy. Brian Harris. He was super tall. No seriously he is really tall. He has a killer body and long brown hair that would make most girls ashamed and hazel eyes between green and blue. His hair isn't that long long, but just above the shoulders.

He is a little older. He goes to college and a good one to. He studies law. He wants to be a lawyer and he is really smart to. He isn't hot hot but he is adorkable. He is the cutest guy ever. He has a really cute personality and he is so sweet and understanding. God i want to hug him to death.

It was currently now lunch and everyone wants to know how our second date went. Our first one was pretty simple. A movie and dinner but it went super well. Obviously there was a second one so. The second one he took me out to the park and we had a picnic and looked at the stars it was really romantic.

"So how was the date?" Gwen asked.

"Did he treat you right?" Nick asked.

"He wasn't a jerk was he?" Tylor asked.

"Do i need to punch him?" Tyson asked.

"Did he lay a hand on you? If he did i swear to god i'll kill him" Luke asked.

"Did he take advantage of you?" Chad asked

"Oh he better have took you to a nice place. He did didn't he?" Liam asked

They were covering me in questions before i could answer them and Alec... Well Alec was to busy i guess. He was making out with some other chick.

"Guy calm down! One question at a time" i said and they all calmed down

"Okay... Thank you" i said as they all were starring at me now well except for Alec. Guess i wasn't that important to him.

"Okay well first off he didn't take advantage, he didn't lay a hand on me.. well kind of... He is a really sweet guy and i think the second date was amazeballs. He took me to the park and we had a picnic and just looked at the stars. It was really romantic" i said as i took a sip of my smoothie.

"Aw i'm glad for you Sky" Chad said and i smiled at him

"So when are we gonna meet Mr. Wonderful?" Nick asked and i rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"I don't know maybe we could go this Saturday and drink a milkshake" i said and everyone agreed.

"Finally i'm gonna meet the guy that can keep my Best friend away from parties" Gwen said and laughed.

"Whatever" i said and continued my lunch.

Alec's been acting weird lately. He has been destined ever since i've met Brian. I probably did something wrong but you know what. I. Don't. Care.

I tried to talk to him but he just pushed me off. Well it's a two way street buddy and i am done trying from this side. I just shook my head and went back to thinking about Brian.

Wow the first boy that's got me all girly like. Woah i did not just say that.. Uh yeah ya did. Shutup! No denying the truth Sky. Okay smartass keep your mouth shut.

Skylar what are you doing? You're talking to yourself. I just shook my head and the bell rang. The rest of the day was pretty normal as usual and it was finally time to go home.

When i got home i made my way to my room to go text Brain about this weekend. I hope he says yes. What if it's a step to far and he wants to take it slow?What if he doesn't like my friends? What if my friends don't like him? Sky it will be fine. Just calm down.

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