Chapter 22: You want me to believe what?

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Alec's POV:

I don't know how long i can keep this secret from Sky. It's killing me from the inside out. I tried so hard not to snap at that Dylan guy. Sky is mine. Just mine.

Maybe i should tell her. What if she freaks? What if she won't believe me? Of course she won't believe me. I can try right? That's it. I'm telling her when we get home.


I pulled in my drive way and Sky hasn't said a word. We got out and made our way to the kitchen.

"Sky i need to tell you something" i said and she looked at me with a concerned face.

"I think you should sit down" i said and she did.


Skylar's POV:

Alec scarred me a little. What did he need to tell me? He looked so intense and unsure.

"Alec what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing, i just want to say i'm sorry for the way i acted" he said and i laughed. I thought it was something serious and i relaxed.

"Alec it's fi-" i was cut off by Alec.

"No it's not but that is not what i wanted to tell you" he said and i tensed up again.

"Okay" i said softly.

"Sky i need you to keep an open mind. Okay?" He said and i was confused.

"Okay" i said again.

"This is not going to be easy" he said and i rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me Alec!" I yelled.

"Okay. Um.. My father died when i was young" he said

"Yes i know"

"Well my father wasn't completely human. He was a werewolf and i kind of am one too" he said and i laughed.

"You're kidding right?" I said still laughing.

"Sky i'm dead serious" he said and i stopped laughing.

"Alec. Werewolves don't exist. It's fictional" i said and he shook his head.

"Actually it's not" he said

"Okay Alec joke is over" i said seriously now.

"Goddammit Skylar it's not a joke!" He yelled and i was shocked.

"Oh vampires are real now too?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh yeah" he said and i laughed.

"How about witches?" I asked and he nodded.

"Oh my god" i whispered. "You're crazy" i said and i stood up.

"No Sky! I'm not crazy" he said and he sat me down again.

"I'm sorry Alec. You want me to believe in what? That the Supernatural world is real? I'm sorry i just don't" i said and he sighed.

"What if i show you?" He asked

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