Chapter 4: Hangover Or Nah!

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Skylar's POV:

"Do you want to get a room?" He whispered in my ear and i nodded.

I got off him and he took my hand leading the way threw the crowd. My hair fell on my face and i brushed it behind my ear as we walked. We got to the stairs and he let me walk first with his hands on my hips and him kissing me on my neck. I was to drunk to put on my self-control.

Gwen's POV:

I stood there with Chad and we talked to other people. Something caught my eye and i just had to look.   Dammit SkylarI thought to myself as i saw her walking upstairs with Max kissing her neck.

"I'm sorry i have to go i'll be right back" i interrupted Chad's conversation with the guys.

"Okay baby" he said and give me a kiss on my forehead.

I made my way upstairs to find Skylar before she does something stupid.  Then suddenly i got a better idea. I need to find Liam.

Skylar's POV:

We finally reached upstairs and he pined me to the wall next to a door. He then began to kiss my neck again and his hand slipped up my one thigh. He then lifted my leg around his waist. He then bit me and a loud moan escaped my lips. My hands were in his hair and i tugged a little at it as his hand slipped under my dress to grab my ass. As i tugged at his hair i could swear i heard him growl. This just turned me on more.

Suddenly i felt Max being pulled away and Liam standing in front of me like a guard.

"What the hell Liam" i said from behind him.

"Stay away from Sky" Liam said warning Max

"Or what?" Max replied back to Liam

"Or i swear to god i'll kill you. She is like a sister to me and your defiantly not worth her" Liam said he felt like my over protective brother. It is true what he said. We are like brother and sister. But why would he do this?

"Fuck you man" Max said walking away. Liam then turned to me.

"What the hell Liam?!" I asked really irritated now.

"I'm sorry Sky he doesn't deserve you. He's a player and you're drunk and i know you will regret this in the morning" he said to me in a soft tone.

I then hugged him and he froze for a second. He probably wasn't expecting a hug. Maybe he thought i would argue back but it is true what he said i probably would regret it in the morning. As i pulled back i saw Gwen standing there and i went to gave her a hug to.

We mad our way downstairs just hanged out and talked. I later fell asleep on Liam's lap. The next thing i know it i'm having another nightmare again.

Tag Sam you're it. I ran around the yard laughing. Sam tagged me again and i chased him around. "Sam , Skylar don't play in the streets" mom yelled at us from inside. "We won't mom" i said and i tagged him again. I then saw Marry across the street and i ran to her. Sam chasing me now. As i crossed the street i ran to her and hug her tightly. I then heard a large crashing sound. " No!"

"No!!" I screamed suddenly awake. I was out of breath. I looked around and wondered where i was. All the memories of last night flashed in my head at once. Wow i was pretty drunk last night.

I'm blessed because i've never had a hangover in my life. I could be the drunkest person on earth i wouldn't have a hangover the next day. I got out of bed realising i'm still in my dress but i have no idea where my heels are.

I made my way downstairs and the smell of bacon hit me. Mmm! I saw the boys in the kitchen busy cooking away. Tyler was the first who notice me.

"Morning sunshine. Need aspirin?" He said with a smile all the boys looking at me now.

"Nope" i replied and he just rolled his eyes.

"I still don't know how on the living earth you can't get a hangover" Tyson said and i just laughed.

"Where is Gwen?" I asked.

"Oh she is still sleeping" Chad replied with a smile.

"Which room?" I asked as i grabbed a glass of water and two aspirins.

"Uh upstairs second door to the right" Liam answered.

"Thanks" i replied and made my way upstairs.

I found her room and i walked in quiet as possible. I heard her light snores as i put down the glass and aspirin on the table besides the bed. I then jumped on her and yelled.

"Good morning!! It's Saturday!!!" I yelled and she groaned.

Her room was dark because the curtains were closed she sat up straight and i started to laugh.

"God couldn't you be any louder" she said and groaned probably because of her headache.

"I can if you really want me to" i said with a smile.

"No! Please no!" She said and i laughed.

"There's a glass of water next to you with some painkillers" i said standing near the window covered with the curtains.

"Thank god" she said and i waited just for the right time.

She swallowed the pills and just as she put her glass down i opened up the  curtains and the sunlight hit her face perfectly.

"God that's bright" she groaned. "Aren't you just the bestest best friend ever" she said sarcastically.

"Aw that's the nicest thing you ever said to me" i replied with my hand over my heart. I then jumped on the bed to sit next to her.

"It's so unfair how you don't get hangovers" she said and i stick my tongue out for her. I must admit i do get my childish moments sometimes. 

We just sat there and talked until we were called downstairs for breakfast.

Hey guys.. 

Thanks for reading.

I know i know this isn't a really good chapter but please vote and comment.

Thanks you're the best ;)



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