Chapter 7: Detention

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Skylar's POV:

We made our way to detention class. As we stepped in there Mr. Umm... Mr. .... Dammit i can't remember his name. I don't judge he gives class to the younger grades. He is a kinda weird guy. You know? Sad, has no balls and probably 100 cats. Yay! I have to spend detention with this guy oh! And Alec... Great! *serious face*

I took a seat at the back of the class next to the window and my luck just keeps getting better. Alec came and sat next to me. I was kinda surprised because there was a slut checking him out and of course he did the same. But on the other hand at least i have my earphones.

"Keep yourselves busy until it's 4:30 pm the i guess you can go" Mr. I don't know his name said and he went back to doing whatever he was doing.

I took out a extra notebook and i saw Alec and the whore keep winking at each other and kisses and she is showing off her boobs. That is kind of to desperate for my taste. Sure i make out a lot and sometimes it gets out of hand for example Max but i don't go walking around school like that.

I then took out my phone and plugged in my earphones. I then started to draw on my extra notebook. Or i think it's a extra one.. It could be a notebook i didn't use yet for class. Aw well who cares. I was moving my head to the beat when i felt someone plug out one of the earphones. Of course it was Alec and he plugged it in his ear. 
"Wait you listen to Metallica?" He asked me with a raised brow.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just thought you would listen to more pop or something" he said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well there is a lot you don't know about me Alec" i said and smiled. He smiled back and why? Why was i getting butterflies?

"Wow you draw pretty good" he said pointing to my picture. It was a woman laying in bed crying. I'm not completely done with it yet.

"Thanks" and oh my god. Was i blushing?

"Sure" he said and smiled at me. .

"So Alec .. What do you listen to?" I asked just out of curiosity.

"Um mostly Metallica you know that type or Classic rock" he said and he picked up a pencil and started drawing on the other page.

"Oh wow me too" i said and he gave me a wink.

"Cupcake i don't like that you're basically stealing my outfit" he said pointing between our clothes.

"What? I was here first. So you're the one who is stealing my outfit" i said and he rolled his eyes.

"Well looks like great minds think alike" he said and i laughed.

"If you want to put it that way sure" i said and he laughed. He really looks hot when he laughs. Wait what?

We just listened to music and then the blonde whore came up to us... Well Alec but whatever. He took out the earphone and i had to listen how they flirted with us. I took the earphone that was on the table just to block them out. You know i really don't know why i'm so annoyed right now. I guess that's what Alec does to me. He annoys me. 

A few minutes later i felt a plug on my earphones and both of it landed on the table. I glared at Alec and he just sat there with a huge grin on his face.

"You ignoring me princess?" He said. Okay woah what the hell happened to cupcake? I don't want him calling me princess!

"Sorry didn't want to hear your horny conversation with barbie" i said with a smirk.

"You know what. Fuck you. You have no right to judge. It's not like you are that innocent. I bet your just as a big whore as she is ,maybe not with the clothes but still the same thing right?" He said and got up and grabbed his things and moved to another table. Whoa wait..  Was he, was he mad? What the hell? I didn't even mean it in a offensive way. Gee bipolar much?

I was mad now too. He basically called me a whore. No wait he did call me a whore. Well fuck him to. He had no right to call me that. He doesn't even fucking know me. I put my earphones in trying to listen to music to calm me down but i was still furious. I saw the time and my detention was over. I stormed out of the class room to my car and drove home. It was about 5:00pm when i got home. I drove around before i went straight to home just to calm down. Why does it hurt so much?

I pulled up in my driveway and just took a deep breath in the car. I didn't want to let my parents see i've been crying so i just calmed down in the car. I grabbed my things, locked my car and made my way into the house. I was just about to go upstairs when i heard my mother call me.

"Skylar!?" She yelled from the kitchen. She was probably making dinner. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen praying she wouldn't notice my puffy eyes.

"Yes" i said as i walked into the kitchen

"Where have you been?!" She yelled and crossed her arms over her chest. As i suspected she was busy cooking dinner.

"I just grabbed a milkshake with Gwen" i lied and shrugged my shoulders.

"What?! And you couldn't have called or texted?! You could've been dead in a ditch somewhere! Or in a car accident! Or stabbed! Or rob-" she began to yell and babble on and on until i cut her off.

"Shutup! I'm fine! God i don't have the energy for this!" I yell and made my way upstairs. Her eyes were wide in shock.

I ran to my room throwing down my things as i walked in and jumped on my bed screaming in my pillow. The tears flowing down my cheeks. I got up trying to figure out where i put my blade. I then saw it on my table and grabbed it. I threw it on the bed pulling off my shirt so i was only in a bra. I grabbed the blade and sat down on the floor next to my bed.

Alec's words come flowing threw my thoughts and i found an open spot on my arms. I put the blade on my skin not moving it yet. I then thought back on all the bad memories and i cut a few lines down my arm. I just sat there crying and bleeding. A while later i heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I tried to make my voice sound more normal as possible.

"Skylar diner is ready" my father said from the other side of the door.

"I'm not hungry" i replied just wanting a shower and to sleep.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah i'm sure" i said getting up.

"Okay" i heard him say and i heard his footsteps walking away.

I just took a shower washing of the blood like usual. I then went to bed  and hoped that i wouldn't see Alec tomorrow but who am i kidding of course i'm gonna see him. I mean he is part of our group so yep i'm gonna see him. I then later drifted off to DreamLand.



Um i'm sorry i feel like i'm losing my touch you know. It feels like the last few chapters really suck. Well i'm sorry if it did. So um please just vote and comment thanks!*


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