Chapter 17: Death comes at unexpecting times

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Okay sorry guys just wanted to say the song aboveis mainly for Alec's POV. So if you can play the song in the background but if you don't like it its fine. Tnx for reading tho** CH♥♥


Skylar's POV:

I decided to sit on the floor the blade in my hand and a few cuts dripping blood. Not much but a little.

You are dead to me Skylar! It's your fault his dead!

The same words kept on repeating in my head and the tears were just flowing down. The more i thought about it the deeper i cut. My legs, arms, hands , on the floor blood. Just blood everywhere.

My vision began to blur so i let the darkness take over. My breathing getting slower and i could feel how i was getting colder and fading away.

Alec's POV:

This wasn't the Skylar i knew. And who's birthday is it that would make Skylar cry? It wasn't like her to cry. Well not in front of people. This is the first time i saw her tears and it broke my heart to see her like that.

I've never felt so strong feelings for a girl before. She just drove off and know i'm here riding a taxi to school to get my car.

A few minutes later we stopped at the school giving the driver a $50 bill not caring if it was to much or to little. I jumped out the car and ran to mine. I took out my keys and i speed my way to Sky's house.

A few minutes later i got there i jumped out my car and everything is a rush. I kept on knocking and ringing the doorbell. Finally someone opened up. It was a women in her late 30's probably Sky's mom.  Her eyes were reddish from crying but all i cared about now was Sky.

"Yes?" She asked

"Uh Sky! I need to see her!" I said really in a rush. I had this awful feeling and i just knew something was wrong.

"Upstairs" her mother said very coldly but i just ran past her and made my way upstairs.

I went into a few doors that wasn't her room and finally got to her. I ran into her room worried.

"Sky?!" I yelled and when i turned around the corner all i saw was blood and her lifeless body.

"Sky!! No!!" I yelled and ran to her. I fell to my knees and held her tears flowing down my cheeks.

I picked her up and ran downstairs to my car. When i got by the door her mom was standing there and she burst out in tears screaming Sky's name.

I ran to my car struggling to unlock the damn thing.  Finally i opened the passenger door and put Sky down. I ran to the other side and started to drive as fast as i could to the nearest hospital tears sliding down and falling on my lap. I kept on wiping them away so i could see. Sky would kill me if i killed myself and her while driving to the hospital.

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