Chapter 19: Story Time

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Skylar's POV:

Alec helped me out of bed and Gwen took me to the bathroom to change in some clothes she brought for me. I was super excited i was getting out of this hospital. The bathroom wasn't far and i got dressed quickly Gwen staring at me the whole time.

"Could you please quit it. You're like a creepy stalker" i said and laughed.

"I just don't get it" she said and i gave her a confused look.

"Don't get what?" I asked as i pulled on my jeans

"Why did you do it?" She asked and my throat went dry. I cleared my throat and just shook my head.

"Sky you can really talk to me" she said and i just sighed.

"Look i don't want to talk about it. I'm just not ready" i said and made my way out of the bathroom towards Alec.

"Sky i'm sorry. I'm just really worried" Gwen said and i gave her a half smile.

"I'll be fine" i said and hugged her. I waved goodbye and made my way to Alec.

"Ready?" He asked and i nodded.

We made our way to his car and he opened the door for me. He was so freakin' sweet. He got in and gave me a bright , beautiful smile that melted my heart.

"So we gonna swing by your place now or later?" He asked.

"Um rather now" i said and he nodded.

A few minutes later we arrived at my home and we got out of the car.

"Want me to stay back and wait?" He asked and i frowned at him shaking my head no and he laughed. As soon as he laughed a smile appeared on my face.

"Come on" i said as i grabbed his hand.

I led him into my house and upstairs to my room. As i got around the corner i froze. My floor next to my bed was covered in blood. Alec put his hand on my shoulder and i gave him a half hearted smile.

"Oh i forgot to mention. Um i really liked your blue Mickey Mouse underwear" he said and my cheeks instantly began to heat up. Seriously he saw me in my underwear!! Stupid Skylar!

"Uh thanks. You know just keeping the Disney alive" i said and we laughed.

I grab a big suitcase and made my way in my closet. I packed a lot of clothes in and the things i really needed. A few minutes later i was done and Alec was laying on my bed looking like he would fall asleep at any minute.

"I'm done"

"Gee finally. Why do girls always have to take so long?" He said as he got up from the bed.

"I didn't even pack so long" i said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Of course you didn't" he mumbled under his breath and i rolled my eyes.

He took my bag and we made our way to the car. A few minutes later we pulled up in his drive way.

"Are you sure your parents don't mind?" I asked and he sighed.

"Of course not. Besides my mom will be so proud of me to bring home a girl like you" he said and my cheeks heated up again.

"Okay" is all i said and i laughed.

"My parents are anyways going to some work thing and will be gone for a few months so we will have the place to ourselves" he said and i nodded.

"When are they leaving?" I asked a little curios.

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