Chapter 21: Back to school

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Skylar's POV:

The last week was amazing with Alec. He was really sweet and it was a different side of him that i really enjoyed. Last week went by way to fast. I really don't want to go back to school.

"Cupcake were going to be late!" Alec yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back and finished the last bit of my make-up.

I made my way downstairs to find Alec waiting by the door. When he saw me a smile appeared on his face.

"Ready?" He asked and i sighed.

"Not really" i said and he laughed.

We made our way to his car and drove off to school. When we got there the group was waiting in the parking lot and everyone gave me a hug and asked me how i'm feeling. Gwen then pulled me aside.

"So.. How was your week with Alec?" She asked a big smile on her face.

"Well it was amazing!" I said and she squealed.

"Tell me everything!!" She said very excitedly.

And i did. I told her everything that he did for me and the food wars , the pillow fight and how romantic he was.

"Aw you guys are perfect!!" She said having a fan girl moment.

"Sure. Let's go" i said and hooked my arm in hers.

She let go of me when she saw Chad and i walked to my locker. Everyone giving me weird or sympathetic looks or they were whispering. This made me very uncomfortable.

I just walked quicker to my locker getting my books.

"Hey you're Sky right?" A unfamiliar voice asked.

I looked at the blond girl that was staring at me.

"Uh yeah" i said as i closed my locker.

"You know you are really selfish for trying to kill yourself" she spat and then just walked off. And i was getting comments like that for the rest of the day.

"Oh i know how you feel" ... No you really don't.

"Hey suicidal make sure you do it right next time"

"I'm sorry"

"I feel your pain"

"May death find you alive" and to be honest i have no idea what that even means. Like what the hell??

The group just told me i should ignore it and the guys threatened some other guys. It was possibly the worst school day of my life. God i hate how rumours spread so quickly.

I was just so happy the day was over. We all walked out of school together and we said goodbye and then i walked with Alec to his car.

"So how was your day?" He asked and i gave him my serious look.

"That bad huh cupcake?" He asked and i just sighed.

"Yeah" i said as i got in the car.

"How about we go grab a milkshake and some chocolate cake to cheer you up?" He looked at me from the driver's side and i just nodded.

To be honest chocolate cake seem like heaven right now. I'm just tired i had a really long day. I just want to stuff my face and sleep. You know the feeling?

A few minutes later we arrived at my favorite diner. We got out and when i stepped in i saw a very familiar face that my 6 year old self would recognize.

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