Chapter 9: Girlfriend?

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Skylar's POV:

Well it was Friday and i was kind of excited. I woke up in a good mood this morning and school was great. I know ,i know but i'm not talking about school itself silly. No. We just ditched most of the classes and lunch we went to our 'secret' corner and got high. Yes i know, smoking weed on school ground is dangerous even if you're me but... Fuck it right?

I was now currently at home listening to music as i was straightening my hair. After that i went to my closet and got dressed. I was wearing a long sleeve dress that didn't cover my shoulders. It was tight but it wasn't that tight, you know what i mean?

I then put on some makeup, just the basics. Foundation, eyeliner,mascara and some red lipstick. I then put on  my black high heels that made my legs look longer. My dress stopped just a little above mid tight so it wasn't that hard to walk. I then put on a long necklace and a few rings on my fingers with a beautiful chain bracelet  with wings on it.  I then heard my phone buzz.


Hey we are almost there cupcake.

I then took my phone off charge and made my way downstairs. A few minutes later i heard the doorbell ring. I made my way outside and there the boys stood. Tyler and Tyson were standing across from each other and Nick was standing next to Tyson and Luke next to Tyler making a little a little pathway. But the best of all was Alec. He was holding the door open for me. I just rolled my eyes at them.

The boys pretty much looked the same as always. Tight jeans, tight shirts. But Alec was wearing a long sleeve shirt he always does. Maybe he just likes long sleeves. I know i do*nervous laugh*

I walked up the “pathway” and to the door.

"Thank you my good sir" i said as i got in the black SUV with Alec's help.

"No problem my lady" he said and got in the car and sat next to me. Tyler and Tyson sat beside me and Nick and Luke were in the front. The car was big enough to fit all four of us in there. I didn't take that much space anyway.

"You look beautiful" Alec whispered in my ear. Wait was i blushing?
"Thanks" i said giving him a smile.

Nick took out a bottle of vodka and took a big sip from it.

"Come on guys. Before party shots. Well in this case not shots but big sips" he said and passed on the bottle.

When it came to me i gave everyone a evil grin.

"I dare you to down a little bit of it and then i'll down to" i said turning to Alec.

"Fine" he said and took the bottle. He then downed a lot but i can maybe beat that. Thank god i gave a strong system and don't get drunk easily.

"Woah!" The whole car cheered as he handed the bottle to me not even pulling his face. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"It takes a lot more than that to get me drunk cupcake" he said and gave me a wicked grin

"That makes two of us" i said and winked at him. I then downed the vodka. I downed just as much as he did and there weren't a lot left. I pulled my face because it came down burning so good. The car cheered and Nick took the bottle holding it up shaking his head.

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