Chapter10: Never talking about this again.

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Skylar's POV:

The next day i woke up it was great. For the first time in years i didn't have another nightmare again. I wanted to get up but something was blocking me. Wait why do i hear light snoring and a heart beat. I look to see that me and Alec were all cuddled up together. No! What the hell? I don't remember falling asleep with Alec!

I tried to move but when he stirred i laid still. He then let go of me and as i turned he pulled me closer to his chest. He then jerked awake probably realising he was cuddling. I mean it's not my style to cuddle but if Alec does then i have something on him.

"Morning sunshine" i said and he groaned.

"God my head" he said and i laughed.

"Aw is someone's head hurting? Do you want to cuddle and make it better?" I said and laughed.

"Sorry to burst your bubble princess but that came from a two way street" he said and i stopped smiling.

"Whatever. We are never talking about this again" i said and folded my arms.

"Agree" he said as he massaged his head.

"By the way which room are we?" I asked.

"No idea. You're the one who picked it. You wanted to do a prank but you got on the bed and told me to come sit next to you. I guess we fell asleep" he said still massaging his head.

"Oh. You know that ain't gonna help the headache" i said and laughed.

"Yeah i know. Speaking of headache. Why aren't you suffering from one right now?" He asked and i laughed an evil laugh that just got a stupid look thrown at me.

"Oh i don't get hangovers. Never had one in my life" i said and started to jump with my sitting position on the bed.

"What?! How is that possible?!" He asked "Could you please sit still!" He said and gave me a very scary glare so i sat still.

"Well i don't know but i've never had a hangover" i said and smiled. "I do suffer from other side effects that's the following: craziness, bitchiness, grumpiness, tiredness or laziness" i said and smiled at him.

"Well i think this time it's craziness" he said and i faked a gasp.

"What no i'm not crazy.. Maybe i'm lazy... Hey that rimes" i said and i started to laugh like crazy. It was a act i didn't really suffer from anything. It was just normal maybe i threw up a few times but i feel fine.

"Okay Sky calm down" he said and i stopped laughing.

"Calm down?" I said and started to sit up straight i then tackled him and started to see if he was ticklish.

And to my luck he was.

"No.. Please ... Sky ... Stop!!" He said between laughs. I laughed just as hard until he flipped us over and he was on top now.

"No.. Alec.. Don't. I was just playing" i said trying to escape but it was no use.

"No, no ,no. You're gonna pay cupcake" he said with an evil grin and then he started to tickle me.

He kept on and i laughed and tried to escape but it was hard when someone tickles you.

"Alec.. Please.... I .. C-can't ... Breath" i said between laughs but he just kept on going.

"Oh what's going on here?" A voice from behind us said and our heads snapped to the direction.

"Nothing" Alec said with a smile and got off me and i sat up straight and he sat next to me. We both had these wide smiles on.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing" Tyler said and laughed.

"Yeah well it was nothing" i said trying so hard not to laugh.

"Well anyways breakfast is downstairs" Tyson said and the twins head out the door.

Me and Alec started to laugh. I don't know why i didn't notice before but i was wearing Alec's long sleeve shirt. I knew it was Alec's because there was 'i'm the man' on the shirt and Alec had it on last night. He was also wearing a long sleeve shirt.

"Did i dress myself or...?" I asked scared that he saw something he wasn't suppose to. My cuts.

"No.. You kept complaining you were uncomfortable so i gave you my shirt and i always pack extra clothes in so you saw my sweatpants and you kind of grabbed that to" he said and laughed.

"Oh i'm sorry" i said laughing a little to.

"Nah it's fine cupcake. Let's go get some breakfast so i can drink something for this headache" he said and got out of bed.

He was also wearing a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. I have to admit he can rock anything. God he's hot. I followed him downstairs and we walked into the dining room together.

"Well well, isn't it the matching pair that always seem to match" Nick said and the table laughed.

"Shutup" i said and playfully punched his arm. I grabbed a plate and started to load food on it as Alec was drinking pain pills and now also making his plate full.

"So where did you two disappear to last night?" Luke asked.

"Well Alec saved this guy before i could punch him in the face. He then calmed me and we hanged out" i said as i took my seat.

"Oh yeah um i think we may or may not have broken your door" Alec said and sat across me.

"Oh it's fine because to be honest the door was already broken" Nick said and we just laughed.

"So who's clothes are you wearing?" Gwen asked.

"Alec's" i replied and started to eat my breakfast.

"You guys didn't? ... Well you know" Chad asked and i choked on a piece of beacon while Alec laughed.

"No,no she was getting uncomfortable in her dress so she stole my clothes" he said still laughing.

"Man that Chelsie chick was pretty pissed when you left her hanging" Tyler said.

"Ah well she wasn't a good kisser anyways" Alec said while looking at me and then he winked. I felt my cheeks heat up and i just smiled at him.

We just spend breakfast talking about last night and what crazy shit we did. I must admit i did have fun last night and this morning. We just hanged out Saturday the whole group just chilled.


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