Chapter 5: New member of the gang

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Skylar's POV:

Gwen and i decided to spend some girly time together. So looks like we did have a movie marathon. We did each others hair and played doll. No i'm kidding i hate dolls they freak me out. But it was nice to relax for once. I went home Sunday afternoon.

I had another nightmare again Sunday night. Yeah not a surprise.It's just the same one over and over again. Playing a game and then the crash. Okay lets not talk about this. I got up and shut off my alarm. I did the usual morning routine. Shower,get dressed,do hair and makeup, drive to school.

Agh i'm really not in the mood for school. I'm sorry but if you're one of the people who LOVES Mondays, you're plain  bat shit crazy .
I pulled up to school went to my locker. Greeted the group and just talked. The bell rang and it's time for first period. Biology! *sad face*

I made my way to class and took my seat. Mr. Nicolas walked into the room with a very hot boy. He had a tight long sleeve black shirt on... Whoa wait hey that's my style the long sleeve shirts. Anyways he's got black jeans on hugging his thighs with black boots. He had dark chocolate brown hair and light green eyes. Om my god if i would describe a sex god it would be him. Threw the tight shirt i could see he is build.

"Good morning students. We have a new member. Alec Black. We hope you enjoy it here please take a seat" Mr. Nicolas said and he began to gather papers.

Alec made his way to take a seat and guess where he took one... Next to me. Yah! Nay!*serious face* i don't really like guy's sitting next to me in class especially if the boy is gonna become popular. I can already see it happening.

"Hey sweetheart. What's your name?" He asked me and i rolled my eyes. I sigh. He is gonna become a part of our group so might as well be friendly.

"Skylar Bay" i said and gave him a smile.

"Nice name. Can i call you cupcake?" He asked me with a smirk.

"What? No!" I said and frowned at him

"Aw come on Cupcake don't be mean" he said still smirking

"Don't call me cupcake" i said getting really annoyed.

"Okay cupcake" he said and i glared at him and he just laughed.

"Okay here's the thing. You're gonna be popular soon if you aren't already" i said and he just nodded "okay so .. You and me" i said pointing between us "we just have to learn to live with each other because we are gonna see a whole lot of each other so you can call me Sky not cupcake okay?" I said with a sweet smile.

"Okay cupcake" he said and my smile fell.  I just let out a sigh. I was about to speak but i was cut off.

"Miss Bay anything you would like to share with the class?" Mr. Nicolas said looking at me.

"No sir i'll just keep it to myself" some of the students started to laugh.

"Ah decided to use you're smartass mouth huh?" Mr. Nicolas said and my smile fell but it appeared a second later.

"Yes she's my best friend. And it helps idiots like you understand better"  i said and there was 'oo's' and 'burn' from the class and a whole lot of laughter.

"Detention" he said and walked to his desk.

"Yeah that's the best you can do because she just roasted you" Alec said and the class laughed to.

"Mr. Black i don't think you want detention on your first day" Mr. Nicolas said.

"Not if you're gonna give it" the class burst out laughing. Mr. Nicolas got so red in the face of anger i almost swear there was steam coming out of his ears. He walked to me and Alec and gave us both detention slips.

"Thank you.. Wow... Will we see you there?" Alec asked Mr. Nicolas and the class snickered.

Mr. Nicolas just ignored him and went on with the class.

"You didn't have to do that" i said to Alec and he smiled at me.

"Nah it's fine. If we are apart of the same group we stand up for each other. Besides i like your attitude cupcake" he said winking at me and i felt..... Butterflies?? What the hell??!

"Thanks" i said winking back at him.  Yeah i'm not a shy girl. I thought you knew that?

"So what we gonna do detention? Let's skip it!" He said with a wide smile.

"No i can't" his smile fell.

"What why not cupcake ?" He asked confused.

"Because if i miss detention they would call my mother" i said and he still looked confused.

"Well my mother doesn't know i'm this person. She thinks i'm a good girl. Doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs so..." I said and realization hit him.

"Oh you're living two lives. That must be so tiering. I can get your mind off it cupcake" he said with a wink and i just rolled my eyes.

"Thanks but no thanks" i said and declined his offer with a wink.

"Oh playing hard to get are we? Isn't that a bad cupcake" he said and i laughed at the last part.

"No... And you have no idea" i said winking at him again.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Now cupcake if you keep on doing that i would have no choice but attack you right here right now" he said and it send shivers down my spine. 

"Ah but you have to catch me first" i said winking at him just to see what he'll do.

"Ah cupcake i bet i can catch you faster than you can say bingo" he said winking at me and there goes the butterflies again. Wait why do i have butterflies? I don't normally get them.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked and he gave me a smile. God his smile is fucking gorgeous.

The bell rang and that means second period. I packed my things and we walked out of class.

"Bye Cupcake. See you at lunch" Alec said to me before we parted our ways. I gave him a solute and made my way to second period.

Um hey guys

Sorry i know this chapter sucks.
I struggled to write it so i'm so
Sorry if it sucks.

But please vote and comment what you think thanks anyway.



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