Chapter 15 : Nah i don't care

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Skylar's POV:

It is Monday and that means time for school. I could barely look Brian in the eyes. Dammit , yes i could. I have done it a million times. Am i proud of it? No , not at all. Okay i know you might hate cheaters and your heart probably got broken by one, but i'm just so afraid of letting someone in.

AND it wasn't my fault. Alec kissed me. Fine , fine yes i kissed him back but come on. Who can resist those stupid , ridiculous , kissable lips?  I feel terrible. Hey at least the nightmares slowed down but i still get them.

With a huge sigh i got out of bed and went straight to the shower. I decided to spice some things up today. I got dressed in a black tank top , black ripped skinny jeans , black leather jacket and black army boots.  I did my hair in a messy ponytail and grabbed my sunglasses and car keys.

I made my way downstairs and into my car. I played my music very loud and sang along with the music just as loud. I wonder if a liquor store would be open? I thought and i drove to one. To my happiness it was. I got out my fake ID and went in.

I looked over at the shelf and was deciding between tequila' vodka or gin. I ended up choosing vodka and i grabbed a flask as well. It was silver with a anchor on it. Today i decided i don't give a fuck. I'm so tired of worrying about everything.

With the items i made my way to go and pay for it. The guy working there was in about his late 20's early 30's. He was kinda cute. Light brown hair, hazel eyes. He was about an 8 maybe 9.

I put my things on the counter and he scanned it and then he looked at me and then the items and then back at me again. I thought he was gonna ask for my ID but was surprised at what he said next.

"Rough morning?" He asked

"Yeah and rough yesterday" i said and just shook my head.

"Yeah i had a lot of those when i was your age. You know it's not good to get drunk on a school day" he said and i was shocked.

"No i'm actually twenty two. I have an ID" i said as i want to took it out he said.

"Nah it's fine kid. I understand actually. It would be  $51.99" he said and gave me a smile. I returned the smile and took out my card.

"Thanks"  i said as i took the items to my car.

I got in my car and looked at the bottle. I then opened it up and threw the flask full. I then took a big sip out of the bottle and the alcohol burned as it went down to my tummy giving me a satisfied feeling.

I then turned on my car my music a little louder then before and i made my way to school way over the speed limit because i was late. I then parked in my usual spot. To say i parked a little sideways was an understatement but i don't have time to park the thing straight.

I grabbed my bag and my flask and made my way to my locker. I saw Gwen standing there glancing at her watch the whole time. Probably waiting for me.

"Hey" i said as i opened my locker.

"Hey? You are super late! What is with the new outfit? Why are you late?" The questioned started to flow out of her mouth.

"Gwen calm down!" I yelled and she stopped talking. She grabbed my face my mouth open and she smelled near my mouth.

"Sky is that alcohol i smell on your breath?" She asked with a disgusted look as she let go of my face.

"Yeah" i said laughing and took another sip of the flask.

"Really Skylar!?" She said as she grabbed the flask.

"Hey give that back" i said wanting to grab the thing but she held it out of my reach.

"No Skylar! You're drinking on a school day in school!" She said and i grabbed the flask out of her hands.

"Keep your voice down" i said and gave her a glare. "I know it's a school day and we are in school now but i'm just so tired of everything"  i said with my best sad face.

"You're gonna get caught" she said and crossed her arms.

"Not if you don't say something. Besides i really don't care" i said and she just sighed.

The bell rang that signalled us to the first period. I had English with Alec and we sat next to each other. Great i thought as i made my way to class. I don't really trust myself around him with alcohol running threw my body.

I was walking past the janitor's closet when i felt hands around my waist pulling me in. I wanted to scream but my mouth was covered.

"Shh calm down cupcake. It's only me" Alec said and i relaxed.  He then let me go and i gave him a punch on the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked rubbing his shoulder.

"For scaring the living life out of me" i said and glared at him.

"I'm sorry cupcake i just wanted to know if you-" he started to say but i cut him off.

"No! You kissed me last night and it wasn't supposeta happen. I'm hurting Brian and it's all your fault" i said crossing my arms.

"Look i'm sorry about the kiss it wasn't suppose to happen like that-" he started to say but i cut him off again.

"No! That wasn't suppose to happen at all!" I said and he just shook his head.

"Would you let me finish!?"  He said crossing his arms.

"Look you are with Brian i get that. The kiss wasn't supposeta happen. I was an idiot okay? I'm really sorry that i kissed you!" He said and i just launched forward without thinking.

I crashed my lips to his and he was in shock the first few moments but he kissed back. I don't know if it was the alcohol or me but it was amazing.

"No, no ,no ,no " i said as i pulled away.

"Did you just kiss me?" He asked a little shocked. I just stared up to him.

"Now we're equal" i said.

"Wait is that vodka i'm tasting on you?" He asked.

"No.... Yes" i said and he just laughed.

"Wanna ditch school and get drunk?" He asked and i gave him an evil look and smirk.


Okay.. Hey guys.

I know alcohol this early in the morning not
such a good idea but i really hoped you enjoyed the chapter so PLEASE vote & comment your thoughts.

Thanks !!!

I love you all so much!!



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