Chapter 8: What an idiot

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Skylar's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I went to my table and looked in my draw for some painkillers. Thank the gods there was like 3 left. I took a water bottle that was on my table to drink the pills. Don't ask me how long the water was there for i don't really care except if it can bring down the pills.

As usual i did my morning routine and made my way to my car.
I parked in my usual parking spot at school and made my way to my locker. Gwen and Chad had a date last night and now she is talking my ear off of how amazing it was. I just lied on my arms against the locker.

"Are you even listening?" She asked me.

"Yeah i'm listening. And then you went to the park" i said and tried to calm down my headache if that's even possible.

Suddenly i felt strong hands massaging my shoulders and god it feels so so good.  I just relaxed and let the person do the magic.

"Like that cupcake?" Alec whispered in my ear. I then suddenly turned around to see a smiling Alec. I just rolled my eyes and started to walk away.

I then felt a hand on my arm pulling me back to face him. It hurt a little because of the fresh cuts but i make sure to hide the pain. It was Alec. Of course it was motherfucking Alec. Because yeah that's just my luck.

"Leave me alone Alec" i said pulling away my arm and start walking again.

The group watched us carefully and i saw Gwen with a concerned face.

"Did i do something wrong?" He asked and i started to laugh and shook my head. I then started to walk away again.  He ran in front of me and blocked me so i couldn't walk past him. I gave him a glare and i saw a frown on his face.

Oh my god. Does he really not remember what happened in detention yesterday? What a asshole. He called me a whore and now he acts like he doesn't know what i should be mad about. Fucking idiot!

"Skylar what did i do wrong?" He asked confused.

"Oh i don't know.. I just get mad at you for no reason" i said and walked the other way. Note the sarcasm.

He ran in front of me again and i'm starting to get a little annoyed.

"Sky please tell me what i did wrong" he said and i was gonna lose it. Nope too late i lost it.

"Oh i don't know Alec because i'm just a whore maybe not with the clothes but the same thing right?!" I yelled and a whole lot of people were watching but i could care less. Tears were threatening to fall but i blinked them back. I then made my way pass him and as i walked past Gwen tried to touch me but i dogged her touch.

I  made my way to class fighting back the tears. I heard Alec call after me but i ignored him. Thank god the bell rang and he couldn't come after me.

First and second period was fast and i made my way to third period. Biology. I took my seat and got out my notebook. I'm still a little upset about earlier events but i'm fine. I think i'm fine.

I heard movement on my left and it snapped me out of my thoughts. Dammit! I forgot Alec sits next to me!! Agh why?

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