Chapter 6: Annoyed

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Skylar's POV:

Lunch finally came around and i saw the boys already talking to Alec like they have known him for years. I just smiled at the image before me. I walked to our table and sat down Gwen already in Chad's arms.

"Hey have you seen the new member of the squad?" Chad asked me.

"Hey... Um yeah we've met actually" i replied and took a bite of my  pasta.

Alec came to sit next to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

"Hey cupcake" he gave me a smile.

"I thought we talked about this" i said removing his arm.

"We did. But i don't listen do i?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Whatever" i said and hit him playfully on his shoulder.

"Now now cupcake that's no way to treat your partner in crime" he said and winked at me.

"Yeah yeah save the charm for this afternoon" i said and rolled my eyes.

Everybody was checking us weird out but i just ignored it.

"This afternoon? What happens this afternoon?" Gwen asked and the whole table was interested now.

"Oh um little sweet cheeks here got herself in trouble and i helped her out so we both got detention" he smirked at the whole table.

"Whoa whoa whoa... That's not what happened. Me and Mr. Nicolas got into in argument because someone wouldn't leave me alone and i was winning so he gave me detention and Mr. Need attention kind of defended me and so now we both have detention" i said with a smile the whole table laughing.

"Excuse me i'm not Mr. Need attention Miss Know it all" he said crossing his arms on his chest.

"What i'm not a know it all... You don't even know me that long.. Jerk" i said also crossing my arms over my chest. We are now currently staring at each other.






"Justin Bieber" the whole table was laughing at our silliness

"Woah cupcake that was to far. You really hurt me on that one" he said holding his hand over his heart. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"You started it" i retorted.

"I didn't! You did!" He said and gave me a funny look.

"Okay you two are acting like children" Tyler said and we both just rolled our eyes and let out a sigh.

"Yeah she's the child" he said and i scoffed.

"I'm more grown up then you" i replied and he snorted.

"Is not" he said and he rolled is eyes.

"Is so" i said and we had a stare off once again.

"Is not"

"Is so"

"Is not"

"Okay that's enough!" Chad yelled really annoyed

"Can you two lovebirds get a room already" Tyson commented and i shot him a glare.

"Yeah she wishes" Alec said and i snorted.

"No i really don't" i said and rolled my eyes.

"Sure you do Cupcake" he said and winked at me. What is wrong with him? Agh probably his teenage moods swings. One minute his annoying and the other he is flirting. Boys.

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