Chapter 18: Awaken

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Alec's POV:

Nick woke me up. It was about 10:30 am and he held out a bag and coffee.

"Drink your coffee. In the bag is clothes,wet wipes not my idea, toothbrush and toothpaste and some spray. You can go to the bathroom afterwards" Nick said and i thanked him.

I drank my coffee and thankful that he packed in a long sleeve shirt. I went to find the doctor afterwards and he led me to Skylar's room.

She was so pale and her arms were covered in bandages. A tear slipped down my cheek and i grabbed a chair and pulled it close to the bed so i can sit next to her. I took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it and i just held her hand.

"Hey Sky. You really scared me last night. I really really miss your voice you know. Remember that time when you made that little monster voice to cheer up my little sister because she was crying and i didn't know what to do? I thought it was so cute i just wanted to hug you to death then and there. Sky what am i going to do without you?" Tears flowing down my cheek and i intertwined our fingers and rested my head on her arm as i just cried.

I felt her move and heard her whisper my name.

"Sky?" I looked up tears flowing down my eyes.

"Hey" she whispered with a smile.

"It's a miracle" the doctor said with wide eyes. "I'll inform the others" he said and walked out.

Skylar's POV:

It was dark. All i saw was darkness. I heard Alec's voice. He was talking about when i hang out by his place while he had to babysit his little sister. Alec tried to play with her but she didn't like the faces he was pulling. She started to cry but everything he did just upset her more. I made this little monster voice and she really liked that. She stopped crying and we played for a little while and then she fell asleep.

Sky what am i going to do without you?

I heard him say it and i tried to open my eyes. It was really hard my eyes were heavy. Just before i was going to give up i was blinded by a bright light. I had to blink a few times to get my vision normal. I felt him cry on my arm.

"Alec?" I whispered and he shot up.

"Sky?" He said softly tears flowing down his eyes.

"Hey" i whispered and the doctor said something and then left.

"Sky you scared me to death" he said and the tears were still there.

Everything came back to me. Sammy, my mother, why i did it. I looked down at my arms to see it was covered in bandages. Tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Hey no , no ,no ,no. Don't cry" Alec said and wiped the tears away.

I looked at him his eyes were red probably from crying and i couldn't help but feel more useless. More tears slipped from my eyes and Alec just wiped them away. Suddenly i felt his lips against mine. It was soft and sweet and it only lasted for a second.

"Please don't ever do that again. I almost lost you. What would i do without you? Cupcake, you are my world" he said and happy tears came from my eyes. I pulled him closer for another kiss that wasn't as long as i wanted it to be.

My mom came in with a rush and i could see she was crying. She came near my bed but i just looked the at Alec's way staring at the wall.

"Baby you scared me and your fa-" my mom started to say but i cut her off  still not looking at her way.

"Get out" i said tears coming down my cheek now.

"But baby i'm so sor-"

"Get out!" I yelled snapping my head to look at her. My eyes filled with tears and she was crying too. I looked at Alec for help and he nodded.

"Ms. Walker i think it would be best for Sky if you just left the room" Alec said gently to my mother and she just stared at him blankly.

"You think you know what's best for my daughter? You have no idea what i've been threw!" She yelled at Alec.

"Look if you don't leave i'll call security for disturbing a patient. Now please. Just. Leave" Alec said and i grabbed his hand intertwined our fingers together.

My mom just gave us a glare and left the room.

"Thanks" i said to Alec and he gave me a smile.

"No problem Cupcake" he kissed the top of my hand.

A few minutes later the group came in everyone giving me a hug. No one questioning why Alec and i are holding hands.

"So how long have i been out for?" I asked a little curios.

"Three days" Gwen said and my eyes widened. Alec's grip tightened and a squeezed back.

"Oh" i said and we just started talking about random stuff.

The doctor came in a few minutes later.

"Miss Walker can we speak alone?" The doctor asked and i nodded everyone making their way out of the room. Alec was about to walk but i didn't let go of his hand.

"Alec can stay" i said and the doctor just nodded and Alec gave me a smile.

"Well Miss Walker all i can say is it's really a miracle. To be honest i really didn't think you would wake up because you have lost a lot of blood. But that isn't why i wanted to talk to you. Depression is a really serious matter and to go this far is very dangerous. If Alec brought you a few minutes later in then you most defiantly wouldn't have made it. I really think you should look into some therapy" he said.

"No" i said bluntly and Alec's head snapped to me, he and the doctor sharing the same frown.

"Sky i really think it would help" Alec said and i just shook my head.

"No. I'm not just gonna go tell a random stranger all my problems. I'm sorry but my answer is no" i said and just sighed.

"Well if this happens again i don't know if you'll be this lucky again" the doctor said and Alec took in a deep breath.

"Doctor what if i keep a very close eye on her?"  Alec asked

"Well it would help to have love ones near to you" the doctor said " fine" he said and walked out of the room.

"How about you come stay with me for a couple of days?" Alec asked and i swear i saw a spark in his eyes.

"Okay" i whispered and his eyes went big. He was probably expecting to convince me but i just couldn't look at my mom now. Let alone stay with her.

"Really?" He asked

"Really" i said with a smile.

He smiled back and leaned in to press a soft kiss to my lips.


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