Chapter 4 - Clubbing Surprise

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The girls and I have decided that 8:00 would be a good time to go clubbing, so that gives us 3 hours to get ready. That may seem like a long time, but in a house with 4 girls, 3 hours is like 20 minutes. We are all "save it to the last minute" type of people, so that's why all of us are rushing around the flat bumping into each other like wild animals. You would think that I would have planned this out more carefully because I don't do well under stress, but hey, YOLO.

Right now, I was trying to curl my hair but failing miserably, so I pleaded Macy to do it since she is great at it. I was going to do my own makeup because they girls tell me I am a makeup god. I don't think I'm that good, but I would say I'm alright.

Two hours later, I was finally done with my makeup and Macy was done with my hair. I put on the dress that Naomi bought me, it seemed to fit perfectly but I don't know how it looks on me yet. I slowly turned around so I was facing the mirror and gasped. This was the first time I have ever felt confident with myself. It was a beautiful pink/purple color with sequins covering the whole dress. it came down about mid-thigh so it didn't show too much skin which I loved. For my shoes, I am wearing silver wedges. I gave myself a smoky eye with lipstick the same color as my dress. My hair is done in big, loose curls that were very beautiful, I am telling Macy to do my hair more often. Overall, I was pretty pleased with the way I look. I am officially very excited for tonight

I was sitting here with Madge just talking about random things. She was done only because she didn't do as much as the other girls and I did. She's more confident in the way she looked and if you didn't like it, then be prepared to meet her fist.

We sat back watching a very interesting battle going on between Macy and Naomi. Macy was on Natalie's back trying to reach the hairspray while Naomi was spraying her in the face. You may think this is a little bit crazy, but in this flat, it's perfectly normal.

Half and hour later and a whole can of hairspray gone, all of us were finally ready and I must say, we look hot! When we actually try to look good, we do a pretty darn good job at it if I must say so myself. Naomi was in a silver sequined dress that hugged her chest then flowed down to her knees, and pulled off the look with silver heels. Macy was wearing a peach colored dress that had sequins at the top and flowed down to about mid thigh, she pulled off the look with silver sandals. Last but definitely not least was Madge, she was wearing a navy blue bodycon dress that hugged her perfect figure, she also pulled off the look with black wedges.

We were ready to go.


We arrived at our favorite club, The Priory, which was located just 15 minutes from our flat. When we got in, pop/rock music fills my ears and I automatically have the urge to dance. I grab the closest person to me, which just so happens to be Madge, and drag her to the dance floor. Since both of us absolutely suck at dancing, we embarrass ourselves by trying to copy what everyone else is doing. We finally just give up and move on to our own dance moves. Maddie is doing her signature seizure dance, while I'm doing the "Pat the Dog, and Screw in the Lightbulb." It's an inside joke that Louis and I had back when we were only 10. We made it up when we saw a man screwing a lightbulb inside his store while a dog walked by, its quite funny actually now that I think about it. We were such crazy kids.

I come back to reality as I realize that I have been thinking about Louis and I haven't even been here for 5 minutes. I came here so I could forget about him for the night instead of thinking about him even more. I decide to go to the bar and ask for something strong so I can shove all these thoughts from my head.

"Hey, I'm going to head over to the bar. Wanna come?" I asked Madge.

"No, thanks. I'm going to stay sober for a little while longer so I wont be acting like a complete freak the whole night." She finished with a chuckle. She always goes crazy when she has had too much to drink, I understand why she wants to wait.

I chuckle and respond with an "okay" before walking towards the direction of the bar. I had to shove through many sweaty bodys, it took me a while but I finally got there. I sat down on the stool and ordered the strongest thing they had because I wanted a night to have fun and forget about everything.

The bartender, a beautiful young lady around the age of 30, hands me my drink with a smile and says "Daring tonight are we?"

I chuckle while I respond "Yeah I guess, I feel like having a night to myself and just forget the outside world." She smiles understandingly and walks off to serve the next customer.

Half an hour later I decide that I have had enough to drink because I'm already starting to feel tipsy. I get up from the stool and start walking towards my friends tripping over my feet a little bit. I always get very clumsy when I'm drunk, I hope I don't fall and embarrass myself. Just as I was about to reach my friends, the next thing I knew my body collides with someone elses and I am falling backwards. Just as I'm about to hit the floor, whoever I bumped into catches me.

"Oh my God I am so sor-" I start to apologize but the stranger cuts me off.

"Jen?" The stranger said with a very surprised look on his face. I didn't understand how he knew my name and much less why he called me Jen, I never let anyone call me that. But for some reason I recognized his accent. I still couldn't see him fully because of my blurred vision but as soon as I could see straight, I saw him, and I immediately felt sober all over again. I saw those ocean blue eyes that captivated me every time I looked into them.



Ohhhhh Clifhanger! So, she sees Louis after 2 years. What will happen? That's for me to know, and you to find out :P


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