Chapter 19 - Unexpected Visit

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Louis POV

I woke up the next morning feeling a sudden burst of energy hit me like a transfer truck. I threw the covers off my body, leaving me in nothing but sweatpants. I shiver as I feel the cold, morning air tickling my bare chest. I quickly get out of bed and throw a red hoodie on and make my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

I notice my eyes are sparkling in a way they never have before, and I no longer have under eye bags. I smile as I think how happy I am to have Jen as my girlfriend, she makes me feel things I have never felt before.

When I get done in the bathroom, I make my way downstairs. As soon as I get to the kitchen, I make a running start and slide across the slippery surface.

"Just take those old records off the shelf! I should've listened to them by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul, I like that old-timey rock and roll!" I sang while swinging my bum to the beat. I grab a banana out of the fruit bowl and dance around my flat playing my imaginary guitar while singing the same song over and over.

I go to do a twirl but immediately get cut off by a knock at my door. I quickly run a few fingers through my hair to get it somewhat tamed before sliding towards the door with a smile on my face. Nothing can ruin my good mood right now.

Or so I thought.

I open the door and my smile diminishes into a frown.

"Eleanor?" I ask the girl standing in front of me with a small smile on her face.

"Hi, Louis. Um- may I come in?" She asks me while shifting around on her feet awkwardly.

"Um- yeah! Come in." I tell her while motioning her inside.

She mutters a quick "thanks" before making her way to the living room and plopping down on the couch. I slowly walk over and stand next to her.

"Um, would you like some coffee? I was just about to make some." I tell her. I might as well be nice to her since I'm in such a good mood.

"Oh, no thanks. This won't take too long." she replies with a small smile.

I nod and make my over to the other side of the couch and sit down. I look at her in a way to say "what are you doing here?" So she cleared her throat and began talking.

"I just came here to tell you the reason I was being so distant towards the end of our relationship." She tells me looking down at her lap. I look at her with confusion written all over my features so she continued.

"Well, for the last two weeks of our relationship, I uh- I met a guy at Uni. He was really sweet and always asked me out on dates but I had to say no because I was with you. I didn't have the guts to break up with you." She told me while looking me in the eyes. I looked at her with wide eyes not believing what she is telling me.

"So, I um- I had a secret relationship with him so you wouldn't find out. I just didn't have the bravery to break up with you because you have always been so sweet to me. I just couldn't do it." She exclaims letting a few upset tears shed her eyes. Though, anger is slowly building up inside me at what she's telling me. I can't believe her! She cheated on me!

"But when we finally broke up, things just went downhill from there. This guy got abusive and would always order me around like I was some pet. So I put an end to it by breaking up with him. I no longer have any feelings towards him, but I realized that I still love you. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you forgive me? I regret everything I did and I just want us back." She said while grabbing my hand. I shoved it off and stood up in frustration.

"So, let me get this straight: You fucking cheat on me with another man for two whole weeks of our relationship and you want me to forgive you for that?!" I exclaim raising my voice. She stands up with me and puts her hand on my shoulder to which I shrug off.

"Louis, calm down! You have to understand! I didn't want to break your heart, you have to at least give me that! It would break my own heart if I knew that I broke yours!" El rose her voice to my level.

"Is that all you ever think about is yourself?! You couldn't give two shits about if you broke my heart or not! You just thought that being a coward was the right way to go! Well you know what? It wasn't! You couldn't even muster up five words! 'I'm breaking up with you' Is all you had to say to prevent all this from happening, El!" I yelled at her just centimeters away from her face. I know I'm probably being a little too rough on her but she deserves it! She cheated on me!

"But, Lou! If I didn't at least care about you even a little bit, would I be here today?! Would I be standing here for your forgiveness?! Would I?!" She yelled getting even closer to where our noses were almost touching.

I was about to respond, but quickly got cut off as her lips slammed on mine in a rough and forceful way. I was too in shock to realize what was happening until I heard a gasp coming from the doorway. I quickly shoved Eleanor off me to which she stumbled back a bit.

My eyes made their way to the broken ones of Jen. My heart broke as I saw a single tear escape her beautiful eyes. I quickly made my way towards her to comfort her, but she wouldn't have it.

"Jen! It's not what it looks like!" I yell at her back as she is making her way out the door with sobs escaping her lips.

"Jen!-" I yell but it is too late as she slams the door in my face and I hear the sound of a car pulling out of the driveway forcefully.

I screamed in anger and punched the door with full force. I winced as I pulled my fist away and looked down to see it bleeding from the contact. Angry and painful tears fill my eyes as I snap my head around to see Eleanor looking at me with wide eyes.

"GET OUT!" I yell at her while pointing towards the door.


"I SAID GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I rose my voice to a booming yell and I saw her run out of the house in fear.

I slid down the wall as sobs escaped my trembling lips. I curled up in a ball on the kitchen floor and cried my eyes out in frustration for what seemed like hours. This is the first time I have cried like this since I was little, and that was when my dad left mom.

As I tremble from numerous sobs forcing their way out of my mouth, I realize that I may have just lost the love of my life.

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