Chapter 1 - Torn

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"Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

You're a little late, I'm already torn, torn

There's nothing where he used to lie

My inspiration has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's right, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed

Lying naked on this floor

Illusion never changed

Into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see

The perfect sky is torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel

I'm cold and I'm ashamed

Bound and broken on the floor

You're a little late, I'm already torn, torn"

Louis sang to me while we were sitting in our favorite tree just a few blocks from his house. It was so easy to get lost in his beautiful voice while the wind rustles around us. It's as if all the birds stop chirping just to hear his perfect harmonic voice.

This is my best friend, Louis Tomlinson. Ever since my family moved to Doncaster 10 years ago, we have been inseparable. We became friends because he offered to give me a tour around my new school when I was lost. We would go over to each others houses to study but I always ended up laughing until tears were streaming down my cheeks at something he said. By the end of the night I would either sleep over at his house or he would sleep at mine. Just because he's a boy doesn't mean we cant have sleepovers. Best friends have sleepovers, that's just how it goes!

He always sings me to sleep with his angelic voice. I never have a good nights rest unless he does so. I tell him he needs to audition for the X Factor but he doesn't believe he has a good enough voice for that. He's always had this insecure side when it comes to singing but I have no idea why. When he sings to me I feel like I don't have a care in the world, like I could jump on the clouds if I wanted to. But he never believes me when I tell him that.

My eyes fluttered open, I tend to close them when he sings so I can let his music flow through my ears with ease. "That was so beautiful, Louis" I told him still a little bit dazed by his voice.

"Thank you, Jen." He was the only one I let call me Jen, everyone else either refers to me as Jenny or Jennifer.

We sat in silence for a little while so my mind drifted towards random subjects. We never sat in an awkward silence, it was always a comfortable one. The kind of silence where you just enjoyed each others company. "Ya know, I still think you should consider my idea for you to audition for the X Factor." I told him after debating on whether to convince him to audition or not. I decided that it would be best if he at least tried.

"And you know what the answer always is, no." He said while poking my nose. I giggled while he kept poking me to try to get me to change the subject, but I wasn't going down without a fight. No sir! "Come on! Pretty please with a cherry on top? What do you have to lose?'' I asked with my puppy eyes that no one could refuse.

"Jen! You know I cant say no to those eyes... but-" he was about to continue but I put my finger to his lips so he could talk no more.

"So that's a yes?! Oh my God you are going to knock their socks off!'' I exclaimed while jumping off the tree and fist pumping the air. I heard him sigh then looked over to him. He jumped down from the tree and walked over to where I was standing. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Jen, I know you want me to go through with this but you know how I am with crowds. If I ever did make it, then I would have to preform in front of millions of people who watch that show. I cant do that, my nerves would get the best of me. And plus, I'm not even that good of a singer anyways." He told me with a sad smile. I was shocked, how could he not hear how amazing his voice is? I needed to show him that he can do this. I took his hand in mine and led him back into our tree. Once we sat down the wind blew past our ears, the birds started singing, and I finally had an idea to convince him to do this.

''Do you remember when we were younger and I first found out that you could sing? I was talking to your mom and she had mentioned that ever since you were just a toddler, you would sing your little heart out when you thought nobody was listening. I was so overjoyed when she told me this that I had to hear it for myself. So, I had asked you to sing to me while we were sitting in this exact tree. Just you and I. You tried to deny that you could sing at first, but I saw it in your eyes. In your eyes I saw determination. You have always wanted to do something like this ever since you were a little kid, you just don't want to admit it. Then you sang. You sang with every ounce of courage you had built up over the years and you just let it all out. When I heard you, I swear I heard every bird that was once chirping stop because they wanted to hear your voice. And ever since then, you sing to me every day with that same look in your eyes. Determination. So, if you do this, if you audition, just close your eyes and imagine me. Imagine its just you and me in this very tree and sing your heart out just like you did the first time I heard your voice. And you will do amazing." Whist telling him this, I saw his eyes change from worry, right back to that same old sparkle. He was going to do this, and I was going to help him through it.

He smiled a pure, genuine smile. "Thank you so much, Jen. I'm in. I will do it for you." He gave me one of his special hugs that nobody can resist. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull us closer if that was even possible.

I leaned in to peck his cheek and said "You're going to do so great, Lou."


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