Chapter 13 - Warm Feelings

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Louis POV

I was awakened by a blinding light filling the whole room. I quickly open my eyes and wince as the sunlight burns my blue orbs. I rub the tired away from my eyes and I can now see everything in full focus. I then realize that the bed is being occupied by someone else. I turn to my side and see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.

I watch her as she's sleeping- no it's not creepy - with a huge smile on my face. Her chocolate brown, wavy locks that are slightly messy due to sleeping, her long, thick eyelashes that flutter slightly as she dreams, and her lips that are curved into a small smile.

I instinctively reach my hand over to brush a few stray hairs behind her ear. I notice her nose twitch a little and I know she is about to wake up. Finally, her eyes flutter open slowly to be greeted by mine. She smiles instantly while biting her lip, which will slowly be the death of me.

"Morning, Jenny Penny." I say with a smile.

"Morning, Lou Bear." She responds in her cute morning voice.

I realize we are just staring at each other for I don't know how long until I hear the door swing open and someone yelling.

"Get your lazy arses out of bed before I come over there and kick them out!" The voice I recognize as Harry's exclaims. He then looks between Jen and I while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive matter. I feel my cheeks warm up and look at Jen who shares the same expression as me.

"We'll, I will leave you two lovebirds to it. I have breakfast ready downstairs so don't be making babies for too long!" Harry smirks from the other side of the room. I glare daggers at him and he takes that as his cue to leave.

"Sorry about him, he's um- something else." I tell her with a chuckle. She lightly smiles with a blush still clear on her cheeks before replying.

"It's alright. Speaking of breakfast, I'm quite hungry and I have yet to try food from the "master chef" or so he calls himself." She adds with a light chuckle which never seems to fail at sending shivers down my spine.

"You would actually be surprised at how good of a cook he is." I tell her with a smirk visible on my lips.

"We'll then what are we waiting for? I wanna tame my roaring belly." She says while rubbing her stomach and making a silly face.

I smirk as I come up with an idea. "I know how to calm your roaring stomach." I say with an evil grin.

"How-" before she finishes her question, I see her eyes widen in shock before throwing the covers off and bolting out of the room. I quickly run after her.

"HERE COMES THE TICKLE MONSTER!" I tell while advancing towards her, I am quite fast as I am a football player.

A small shriek escapes her mouth as she runs into the kitchen and hides behind the nearest person, which just so happens to be Zayn.

"Vas Happenin?" Zayn questions with his famous catchphrase oblivious to what is going on.

"Zayn, you have to protect me. Louis is gonna tickle me until I die." Jen says coming out as a muffle because she has her head buried in Zayn's back.

"I will protect you with my life!" Zayn yells while motioning her to jump on his back. When she does so, he immediately runs to the living room with her while screaming "TARZAN!"

"You may have won this round, Bailey and Malik, but don't think it's over yet!" I scream at them. I turn around and see everyone looking at us with amused expressions. Niall is on the floor crying because he is laughing so much.

Life in the Teenage Friendzone (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now