Chapter 32 - Valentines Day

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Jen's POV

Here I am running around the mall with my closest girl friends trying to find something to wear for Louis and I's date tonight. It's just me, Lauren, and Perrie because Sofia had to get her nails done or something, or at least that's the excuse she gave. Anyways, right now I'm roaming through a small dress boutique looking through all the racks trying to find a dress that catches my eye. It seems like we've been shopping forever, and I have yet to find the perfect dress. I'm not even sure if the place he is planning on taking me is formal, but a girl can't be too sure right?

"Jenny! Try these on, babe!" Perry exclaims, tossing me a few hangers of dresses. When I look through them, I notice they are all either very short, or low cut and my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Perry, we're going on a date, not a freaking strip club. I tell her while shoving the dresses towards her.

She rolls her eyes while reluctantly taking them back in her arms. "You need to look sexy for Louis. Today's a very special day." She tells me and confusion washes over my face.

She must have noticed my expression, because her eyes shoot up and a gasp escapes her lips. "Please, please tell me you didn't forget." She questions while shaking my shoulders.

"Forget what?" I ask, completely oblivious to what she's talking about.

She gives me an 'are you kidding me?' look before pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. "Hon, today is Valentines Day!" She exclaims while hitting my arm playfully.

My eyes shoot open in shock and a small gasp escapes my lips. "Perry! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I totally forgot! I don't even know what to get him-"

"Babe, calm down. The girls and I already had this planned out in case this happened. We have the perfect gift for you to give him." She tells me with a smirk and I raise my eyebrows convincing her to continue.

"You have to bare with us on this one, but I promise it will make him extremely happy." She finishes with a wink and my confusion only grows wider.

"What do you-" I start, but am cut off by her dragging me by the arm towards the exit of the store.

"Lauren! Get your nose out of those party dresses, we have to take Jenny to that 'special place.'" Perrie exclaims over the classical music the boutique is playing.

Lauren snaps her head up and a smirk plays on her lips as she joins us. We walk down the street for a few minutes in silence, so I decide to break it by asking them what's going on.

"Guys, seriously what-" I get cut off once again by Lauren nudging me and pointing in the direction of a building. My gaze follows her finger and I spot in big, pink words: Victoria's Secret.

My eyes shoot open in surprise, but before I can say anything, I am being dragged into the store by Lauren and Perrie.

"Now, we will help you pick out something perfect for tonight." Perrie says as we enter the store, my senses being overwhelmed by numerous perfume smells.

"Tonight? What do you-"

"I think you know perfectly well what I mean by 'tonight.'" She looks at me with a serious face and I have to think about it for a moment before I realize what she's talking about.

I feel my jaw hit the floor and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Oh come on, don't pretend like you haven't even thought about it. How long have you and Louis known each other?" She questions while flipping through numerous racks of lingerie along with Lauren.

I gulp and clear my throat. "T-twelve years." I tell her, voice cracking from embarrassment.

"And within all that time, you and him have managed to date even after no contact with each other for two years, correct?" She bombards me with questions and I scratch the back of my head uncomfortably.

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